Chapter 4: What You Wanted

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*warning: lots of violence and blood in this chapter! Along with some disturbing thoughts. You have been warned!


A few weeks ago


Felicity woke up on an uncomfortable surface. She sat up to realize she was in the middle of a forest, on the ground. All she had on was her slightly ripped navy blue cami, and her favorite pair of black jeans. "What the hell." She said out loud to herself. She started to stand up, and immediately got dizzy, so she sat down against a tree. She tried to recall everything that happened. Slowly the memory's of that night came back to her. She was attacked at her home, and was drugged. And some how ended up here. All she could think about was her daughter Liv. She was only 6 years old, and Felicity had sent her across the state to get to Oliver. She prayed that they didn't get her too. Whoever they were. And that she mad it to Oliver. She started to cry, all the emotions were to much to handle at once.

Once she had a good cry, she decided to get up and carefully look around. Felicity was careful in standing up this time, and her head wasn't dizzy anymore. Slowly, she walked through the trees, trying not to make much noise. She didn't see anyone, but she knew she wasn't alone. The smell of the forest, the size and color of the trees, the soft ground, and disturbing silence reminded her of somewhere she had been before, where her a Dig brought Oliver home after so much trauma. Somewhere she hopped she'd never be again. Somewhere she thought she couldn't possibly be, because only a select few knew about it. Yet, all the signs pointed to it. She was on the island Lian Yu.


Felicity walked around for a while, not knowing what else she could do. It's not like she had a tablet or wifi. Without those two things, she's basically useless. "I mean all deserted islands should have wifi, right?" She said out loud sarcastically. She had been talking like this to herself for the pat few hours. She was starting to get tired too. Then all of a sudden she heard leaves and branches cracking to her right. She froze In fear. She wasn't alone any more. The cracking came closer, and was louder. Felicity knew she should run, but she was paralyzed in fear. No matter what she told her legs, they weren't going to move.

"Fe-li-ci-ty." Sang a harsh, thick Australian accent.

Felicity knew exactly who was with her. Slade Wilson. The son of a bitch who brought terror to Star City and killed Oliver's mom. He said he had to because Oliver had killed the women he loved. Oliver had a choice and chose Sara, so Slade gave him a choice; Thea or his mom. Oliver's mom sacrificed herself. After that Oliver brought him down, and put him in an Argus prison on the island. Apparently that didn't hold him, after all he was a super soldier with mirakiru in him, it gave him strength and something that made him almost resistant to death.

Before she had time to react, she felt a sharp pain in the side of her neck. Everything became blurry and dizzy. Her eyes got heavier and heavier. And she fell to the ground as she saw darkness.


"Mommy!" Said a familiar voice.

Everything was dark, Felicity couldn't see anything and was very cold. She heard the voice again.

"Momm!" It screamed, "help me!"

Wait, she knew that voice. It was Liv, her Liv!

"Baby where are you?!" She asked desperately. She tried to move but was tied to a chair, she still couldn't see a thing. It was then she heard another familiar voice.

"I swear to god Slade, if you hurt either of them!" The voice yelled with anger.

Felicity knew that voice, it was Oliver.

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