Chapter 7: Army Of One

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A/N: Ok so about the song, there is no other version of it on YouTube except for the live version. This is the best one I could find. Sorry;) also I would recommend looking up the lyrics.


Felicity awoke in pain. She was still tied to the metal chair in the cold concrete room Slade kept her in. She had cuts and bruises all over her body. Especially her face and arms. On top of the bruises laid a layer of dried blood. It was hard for her to move, she was weak. The people keeping her here had given her very little food and water.

Time was something Felicity didn't think about. She was oblivious to passing minutes, hours, and days. She had no way to know what day it was. The thought of not knowing the time was making her go crazy.

Felicity knew she had to find a way out. She hand tried multiple times, but always failed. And her failure resulted in a harsh beating by the guards.

She thought about her daughter Liv every moment she wasn't distracted by pain. "Where was she?" She thought to herself. "Was she safe? Was she hurt?" And the one question she would almost die herself thinking about, "was she still alive?"

Felicity was deep in her thoughts when the metal door to her cell opened. A figure walked in. His footsteps echoed in the noiseless room. He stepped out of the shadows into the little light that consumed them. "Why hello Felicity." Slade's thick Australian accent rang out.

She didn't have anything to say to him.

"It's time to go." He said flatly. Slade walked over to Felicity and pulled out one of his blades. She winced in fear of being hurt again. But the pain never came, instead her wrists became free of their restraints. Same with her ankles just moments after. Slade put the blade back into its holder behind his back. He had freed her.

Slade grabbed Felicity's arm and forced her to stand up. She stumbled as soon as she was upright. She had not stood in days, maybe weeks, and didn't have the energy to do so. Slade used his strength to force her to stay up. He walked with her out of the room and into the dark hallway that was on the other side. Felicity struggled to keep herself up, and ended up more being dragged down the hallway.

"W-where a-are w-w-we g-going?" She stuttered between sharp breaths. She was starting to feel light headed.

"It's almost time for the reunion." Slade simply answered. He smiled a wicked grin to himself.

Felicity didn't bother to answer. She knew she wouldn't get out of this. But instead she silently prayed to herself. She prayed that Liv was safe. She prayed that Oliver was here and was coming to save them. She prayed that all of this would be over soon. She didn't realize she was crying until she felt a tear slide down her bruised and bloodied cheek.


When Oliver, Dig, and Roy walked out of the cell, they were met by gunfire from Mirakuru soldiers. Roy turned to Oliver and tossed him his bow and quiver, then he tossed Dig a gun. Roy and Oliver were firing arrows at the soldiers while Dig was desperately trying to shoot them down. They made their way down the hallway, leaving bodies lying in the floor. A few of them may be dead, but most of them just out for a moment.

They made it to the end of the hallway. Oliver stopped in his tracks. He heard footsteps. He motioned Roy and Dig to stop as well. Oliver and Roy, almost in sync, quietly pulled a arrow from their quivers and brought it to their bows. They pulled the strings back, preparing to fire. Oliver looked over to Roy, and gave him a nod. At once, the two archers stepped out into the hallway and were met by two soldiers caught off guard by their presence. They both fired their arrows. One landed square in one of the soldier's chest, and the other through the throat of the other soldier. They dropped dead instantly. They were not infected with the serum.

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