Chapter 3: Yellow

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Oliver's hands shook as he read the letter written by Felicity.

Dear Oliver,

If your reading this letter, it means something bad has happened. I was most likely taken, I don't know by who, but someone who probably has a history with you. And is going to use me to get to you. Now before you hate me, the answer is yes, Olivia is your daughter. I tried to tell you I really did. But you kept pushing me away, and didn't listen. After you told me you didn't want me, I'm not going to lie, I was worried for my baby's safety if I told you. So that's why I left. I always thought about telling you, but I realized you weren't at a point in your life where you could handle such a thing. When Liv turned 18, I was going to tell her the truth about everything, and give her the choice for you to be in her life.

She is extremely intelligent and brave. She will know if you lie to her, trust me. So that's why I need you to tell her you are her father. She has always wanted one, so it will be good for her. I put your name on her birth certificate, so legally, she is yours. I changed my last name to Cooper, but secretly without notice I changed hers to Queen after she was born. No one knows this but you and me. I need you to take her in, look after, and keep her safe. Most importantly give her a good childhood. I need you to do this because you can't come after me. Doing that could put Liv and you in danger, and I can't have that. Please, if you want to make up for not being in her life, this is your chance. Raise her as your own, because she is. Be the man that I fell in love with. And remind her that I left because I love her.

- Felicity

Oliver didn't know what to think. Felicity had confessed that she loved him. He had a daughter, a beautiful smart daughter. And Felicity kept that from him. But the more he thought about it, the less angry he was at her for doing so. He didn't blame her for this, the way he treated her, the way he thought about things back then, it was best not to put her or Olivia in danger. Now he had to be a father, the hardest job in the world. Now he had a reason to keep living and be better, to be the man that Felicity knew he could be. The man that she fell in love with.


Dig walked out of the elevator and into the foundry. What he saw next was the strangest, most confusing sight he ever laid eyes upon. Oliver was asleep on the couch with a little girl asleep at the other end with a blanket. He quietly walked over to them. "Oliver," he whispered as he slightly shook his shoulder.

Oliver started to slowly stir out of a deep sleep filled with nightmares. He opened his eyes slowly and everything came into focus.  He saw Dig looking at him and saw so many questions in his eyes. He looked over and saw that Liv was still asleep. Good, he thought to himself. He slowly got up, trying hard not to wake his daughter up. Daughter, he thought to himself. He stretched and motioned Dig over to where Felicity's computers were. Even though she had been gone for six years, he still referred to them as hers. 

"Oli-" Dig started but was immediately cut of by Oliver handing him a folded letter. He took it and read it.

"So what now?" Dig asked concerned when he finished reading Felicity's letter. 

"I have to find her," Oliver answered with tears starting to form in his eyes. Maybe if he hadn't pushed Felicity away she wouldn't have left. Maybe if he had just listened to her, they could have had a family with her, and be happy. Maybe if he knew he could have protected her.

"Oliver," Dig started slowly. "She asked you not too."

"But it's Felicity!" Oliver whispered shouted. Trying not to wake Liv up.

"I want her back too, but if you ever loved or cared for her, you would respect her wish in keeping her daughter safe."

Oliver looked over at Liv peacefully sleeping. He had only known her for a few hours, but already loved her with all his soul. He knew Dig was right, but it was hard to accept the thought of Felicity being hurt.

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