Chapter 11: Comeback Story

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Oliver stood with his arms holding his weight as he leaned over a metal table in the foundry. He locked all entry points; he just wanted to be alone.

"Damn it!" He yelled out in frustration as he knocked over whatever was on the table. He remembered being in this state of mind when Felicity had left the first time. The more he thought about, the more he realized this whole thing was his fault. It was never Felicitys, and he was a complete, self-centered jerk to think it partly was. And now because of his stupid decisions, Felicity was probably gone for good along with his daughter.

Oliver didnt know what to do. Felicity had given him a choice and even if he gave up everything he worked so hard to build, he still may not be able to be in his daughters life. Was it a risk he was willing to take? Because at the end of the day, he could be walking away with nothing.


Felicity sat on Olivers bed clutching her broken glasses to her chest. She tried working things out in her mind. All she wanted was to run back into Olivers strong arms, but could she just give in that easily? Could she just forgive him for everything just like that? Would it be stupid to put everything else aside just to be with him? And then there were the thoughts about her and her daughters safety. She knew she was right when she told him that everything that had happened was what she tried to avoid. Could she risk their daughters safety?

Felicity normally knew what to do, but right now, she had no idea what to do or how to feel. So, she decided to leave for now, and try to clear her head. She walked out of the penthouse and back to Roys car he let her borrow and drove back to her new apartment.


Oliver knew what he had to do. He had to at least try to get his life back. He kept thinking of the best-case scenario to make what he was about to do easier. He thought of a normal life with no fighting, a family with Felicity and Liv. And them just being happy living an apple pie life far away from Star City. He pulled out his phone and dialed Roys number.

"Hey Oliver." Roy spoke through the phone.

"Hey Roy, we need to talk." Oliver said with little emotion.

"Yeah of course. Is everything alright?" Roy was starting to get concerned. He was still coloring with Liv, and Felicity hadnt come back yet. He decided to get up and walk into the kitchen to continue the conversation.

"To be honest Roy," Oliver stopped speaking for a moment, "not really, but its something I need to do."

"Ok. Im watching Liv right now, but Felicity will be home in a few. I can meet you somewhere shortly." Roy said as he walked back to check on Liv real quick.

"Just meet me at the foundry when you can." Before Roy could respond, Oliver cut the call.


Felicity walked through the door of the apartment to be met by Roy sitting at the kitchen counter. She walked over and put the keys down on the counter near him.

"Liv was tired so I put her down for a nap." Roy spoke softly so she wouldnt wake up.

"Ok, thanks for looking after her Roy. Youre a great help." Felicity gave him a sad smile.

"You dont have to thank me blondie." Roy stopped for a moment to take in Felicity. She seemed distraught and that her mind was elsewhere. "Are you ok?" He asked. He knew what happened between her and Oliver for the most part, but he wondered if something else happened as well.

"I don't know," she spoke honestly. "But dont worry about me."

"Are you sure?" Roy asked skeptical.

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