Chapter 8: I Wont Give Up

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Oliver heard a voice calling his name while he held his daughter. "Oliver." He tried to respond but it was as if he was trapped. Trapped in a little world of blame and regret he created for himself. He tried to pull himself out of it but failed. "Oliver!" The voice repeated. This time Oliver was able to snap out of the daze. He looked up to see Dig crouching down next to him. His hand rested on his shoulder. Oliver looked over at his friend with tears in his eyes. He started shaking more, he was having a panic attack.

"Oliver it's ok." Dig tried to tell him.

Oliver just gave him a blank, emotionless stare. He tried to comprehend what he was saying, but everything was most certainly not ok.

"She's ok." Dig tried desperately to explain to Oliver that he didn't lose Felicity. But as he said that Oliver passed out from the panic attack.

"Daddy?" Liv whispered in between sobs.

"He'll be ok sweetie. Come here." Dig told her with a soft smile. She came over and rested in his arms. She was confused and didn't understand what was happening. But she knew she was safe now, so she fell right asleep in Dig's arms while being carried.


"You didn't save me Oliver!" Felicity yelled at him.

Oliver was in his own room and he saw Felicity. He didn't know how, she was dead.

"I trusted you, I loved you, and you let me die!" She came closer to him.

"I'm sorry Felicity." Oliver choked.

"You should be. It's your fault my daughter will grow up without a mom." She pocked his chest with force with her finger.

"I'm so sorry." He whispered. He looked up to meet her gaze. Then he heard a gun shot, and a bullet went through her head. "Nooo!" He screamed.


Oliver shot awake. It was just a dream. He was in a hospital bed. But he couldn't remember how he got there. He felt a slight pain in his right side. His mind immediately went to his daughter. What happened to her? Is she ok? Just then the door opened and Dig walked in.

"I was getting worried you wouldn't wake up." Dig said with a smile.

"What's going on John?" Oliver asked looking up at his friend. Before he could answer Oliver quickly asked, "where's Liv?"

"First, Liv is in the hospital as well. Don't worry Roy is staying with her. I think they're bonding pretty well." He said with a smile. "She doesn't have any horrible injuries, just a few bruises. She's more traumatized than anything."

That brought a small smile to his face. He was so incredibly happy and grateful she was alright.

"There's something else I need to tell you." Dig said slowly, as if he was worried to tell Oliver.

"What?" He asked.

"It's about Felicity." He stated taking a seat in the chair next to Oliver's hospital bed.

"There's nothing I need to know Dig. She's dead because I couldn't save her." Oliver said with a tear in his eye. He stopped looking at his friend, and he met his gaze with the white, blank wall in front of him.

"She's not dead Oliver." Dig said slowly.

Oliver just stared at him. He couldn't think of what to say. How? How was she not dead?

As if knowing what Oliver was thinking, Dig explained everything to him. "When Slade was about to shoot her, Roy regained consciousness. He saw what was going to happen. He broke free of his restraints from the tree and lunged at Slade just as he was pulling the trigger." Dig stopped for a moment, letting Oliver take everything in. "Roy was able to push Slade to the ground as he fired the gun, and he shot Felicity in the shoulder; not killing her."

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