Chapter 2: Always In My Head

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Felicity held back her tears on her drive back home. Oliver just said those hurtful things to her without evening thinking it seemed. It didn't even seem to faze him, at all.

When Felicity walked inside her apartment she knew what she had to do. She took some boxes out of her closet and started to pack her things. Just enough to start a new life: some clothes and a few possessions she couldn't live without. "I'm doing this for you,"she whispered while rubbing her stomach, "I promise I will always keep you safe little one."

It only took a couple of hours for Felicity to pack everything she needed to live. She was now sitting on her couch with her tablet and filling out her letter of resignation to QC. No longer would she be Oliver's EA. When she finished that she looked for apartments she could afford that were located anywhere but Star City. She had always wanted to move to Central City. It was only a few hours away, but it was still far, so it would work. She found a nice two bedroom place and contacted the owner. She would have a home waiting for her and her unborn child in Central City. The only thing she had to do was tell Oliver she was leaving, that's easier said than done.


Felicity didn't have much she was  moving with, so she was able to pack it all in her Mini Cooper. She had contacted her landlord and told him she was leaving, so that was taken care of. So she made her way to the foundry with her resignation in hand.

She stepped in the elevator and it started to move down. Fear and hurt started to consume her. And sadness. John... and Oliver, had been nothing but welcoming and kind to her. Well, Oliver for the most part, besides these last few weeks. But she reminded herself of why she was leaving, and that helped calm her immediately. She stepped out once the doors opened. John and Oliver were busy sparing with one another on the training mats. The horrible training mats.

"Eh hem," Felicity interrupted.

John and Oliver stopped. Dig gave her a warming smile and walked over to her. "Hey Felicity, I didn't know you were stopping by early."

"Yeah, I didn't know either," she said somewhat coldly. John got the message and left the two alone in the room.

"What?" Oliver asked like it was a waste of time.

On the drive over Felicity had decided to give him one more chance. She didn't want too, but he did deserve to at least know about his child. "I came to talk to you," she responded flatly.

"Felicity," Oliver said now getting ticked off. Why couldn't she let this go. It was hurting too much to keep pushing her away like this. But he had gone this far, he had to stay strong. "I told you to let it go, why can't you just listen?!"

"Oliver I-"

"I don't want to be with you!" He shouted, while he looked straight into her beautiful blue eyes. It all happened so fast, it surprised them both. He couldn't believe what he had just said to Felicity. The hurt that showed on her face, that was his fault. He had done that in trying to keep her safe, but he hurt her anyways. Words like those, he knew could not simply be taken back.

A silence filled the room after those words. They both looked away from each other. Felicity knew now that he didn't want her for sure. And if he didn't want her, he probably wouldn't want their child either. She couldn't risk telling him now. She had to keep the secret she protect her baby. "Oliver just listen to me for gods sake!" She took the letter out of her pocket and held it out to Oliver with a shaking hand.

"What's this?" He asked slightly calmer than before, as he took it and began to open it. His eyes skimmed the first few lines. He knew exactly what this was. She was leaving. "Your leaving?!" He said with disbelief. He never wanted her to leave, he just couldn't be with her. He didn't even know what to say. Another silence fell over the two.

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