Chapter 5: Something I Need

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*warning: strong language and some more violence like last chapter. You have been warned!!


Oliver woke up in Liv's room. He was curled up on her bed with her favorite blanket held close to his chest. Then, all the memories from last night came flooding back to him. She was gone, his daughter was taken by Slade. He shed a small tear, then promised himself that would be the last one. He quickly pulled himself together and ran down stairs. He saw Dig at the kitchen counter sipping a cup of coffee.

"Morning man," Dig said with a small smile. He gestured to a cup of coffee next to him.

"Hey," was all Oliver could say. He walked over a took the coffee mug. He sipped the hot liquid, it was almost too hot, but he needed to feel the pain.

"I tried running a few programs to help track him down, but it was hard to do from a single laptop, and I'm not Felicity." A small smile formed at Dig's lips. He remembered all the good times and laughs they had had with Felicity. But then his mind snapped back to reality.

"Thanks," Oliver said quietly. He turned to look out the window of his pent house. He gazed out over the city, and watched the beautiful sunrise for a moment. "I will find you Liv, and Felicity. And I will save you both, I promise." He said to himself. He then turned, put the cup of coffee back on the counter and said, "lets go." Then started to walk out the door.

Dig didn't ask any questions, he knew they were going to the foundry. He just followed Oliver's footsteps. He knew in the back of his mind, it would be almost impossible to beat Slade, and rescue both Liv and Felicity. But he couldn't think about that now, and they at least had to try.


The elevator doors open and Oliver practically runs out of it. He runs up the stairs onto the platform where Felicity's computers were. He didn't speak to Dig, but knew he was trying his own luck on the computers on the other side of him. Oliver tried to run facial recognition, and a few other programs, and looked at traffic cameras from the lats 24 hours. He was doing everything he could that Felicity would do, and so was Dig.

"Oliver I think I got something man." Dig said as he turned in Oliver's direction. Oliver walked over and looked at the screen. It was a blurry back and white photo of Slade, and next to him was Liv! Before he could even ask the question Dig answered it for him. "It was taken 5 hours ago at the Star City International Airport." Oliver was going to say something, but Dig interrupted him. "Slade is a smart man, he went through all the trouble to be undetected, then gets caught by a simple security camera? I think he wanted to get caught, it may be a sign to where he's taking Liv, and where Felicity is."

Oliver couldn't help it, but a small smile tugged on his lips. For the first time in weeks they had a lead. Then he thought about the photo, the airport. "Of course!" Oliver yelled. Dig turned to look at him.

"What Oliver?" He asked urgently, Oliver knew something, and it may help them find them.

"It's an international airport." Oliver said confidently, while bringing his hand up to run his temple.

"Right." Dig said not following Oliver.

"He's taking her to Lian Yu. It makes perfect sense." He said gritting his teeth. He hated that he was right. He would literally have to go to hell and back to get back his family.

"That crazy son of a bitch." Dig muttered.

Oliver walked over to the shelf where they had bags packed with weapons and supplies for emergencies. He grabbed his and started to walk over to his Green Arrow suit.

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