Chapter 10: I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For

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*please listen to the song and pay attention to the lyrics! Thanks

Felicity spent the day with her daughter, and it felt good, really good. She never thought she would get to make precious moments with her ever again. They talked and were just enjoying each others company. The long day had made Liv very tired and had asked to go to bed around 8:00. So, Felicity took her upstairs to her room in Oliver's penthouse and helped her get ready. She was soon tucking her daughter into bed.

"Good night Livvie." Felicity said as she kissed her forehead.

"Night mommy." Liv said with a yawn.

Felicity quietly closed the door as she walked out. She was going to sleep with Liv like she had done the night before. But she was waiting for Oliver to return. He hadn't called or texted her all day, so she hated to admit it, but she was worried about him. So, to ease her mind, Felicity poured herself a glass of red wine and sat down on the comfy couch in front of the fireplace. She was lost deep in her thoughts about everything really. What would happen between her and Oliver, what would happen to Liv if things didn't work out? It was all too much and so overwhelming that Felicity didn't even notice that she was already on her second glass of wine.

Felicity heard a noise outside the front door and her instincts immediately kicked in. She set her glass of wine down and started looking around for anything she could use as a weapon. She heard the lock click and she snapped her head around to the door. It slowly started to open. She was praying it was Oliver.

She saw a tall figure limp through the open door. The figure looked up and Felicity locked eyes with him. It was Oliver. She slowly got up from her spot on the couch and made her way over to him. By now, Oliver had limped over to the kitchen island, and leaned against the counter top for support. Felicity walked over and stopped a few feet away from him.

"Oliver what happened?" Felicity spoke in almost a whisper.

"Its nothing." Oliver responded.

"You're limping, so its not nothing." Felicity's voice was now cold a distant. She knew he was out as the Green Arrow.

Oliver ignored her comment and asked, "how are you feeling?"

Felicity rolled her eyes when Oliver changed the topic. "Im fine," she said in the same cold tone. Before Oliver could respond she interrupted him. "Why were you out there?"

"What?" Oliver asked. He was confused as to what she meant.

"You have a daughter now Oliver, responsibilities. This isnt a joke,"
Felicity said. She connected her gaze with his and just glared at him.

"You think I dont know that?!" Oliver barked. He couldnt believe they were having this conversation now. Did she not know what hell he went through? He had to care of a daughter he didnt even know he had. He literally went to hell and back just to save her. And she thinks he's not taking this seriously.

"All Im saying is that you have other people to think of than yourself now." Felicity said taking a step closer to Oliver. She knew it was a bold move, but in her mind, it was true.

Oliver couldnt believe what she had said. He always put everyone else before himself. He broke his own heart to keep Felicity safe. He tried to talk Dig out of going to Lian Yu with him to keep him safe. And so many other times over the years. That was one card she didnt get to play.

"Unbelievable Felicity." To say Oliver was ticked off now would be a major understatement. "You have no idea, no idea!what I went through and did during the years you were gone. So, you have no right to tell me I only ever think of myself." Before she could respond, Oliver limped away and started upstairs to his room. But what hurt the most is that Felicity didnt even try to stop him. She let him go like he did with her all those years ago.

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