Chapter 6: Hear Me

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Oliver and Dig arrived at Hong Kong. They would have to hire a pilot to bring them to the island. After wandering the dirty and noisy streets for hours, asking around for a flight they came across a man that said he had an old plane, but it was perfect for the job. Oliver and Dig exchanged glances for a moment. Dig was unsure to trust the man.

"Oliver can I talk to you for a moment?" Dig whispered. Oliver nodded and they turned around for a second to talk while people walked around them in a hurry. "Do you really trust this man? We may make it, but not in one piece, then we are no help to them." He sounded more and more concerned. Not that he was afraid of dying. Hell, he has almost died more times that he can count. But they needed to be there, alive, to rescue Felicity and Liv.

"Diggle," Oliver said placing a hand on his shoulder. "We will be fine." Oliver gave him his best shot at a comforting smile. And with that Oliver turned back around without giving Diggle a chance to respond. "我们 会 接受." (We will take it) He told the man that they had to trust with their lives.


Two hours later they were on the plane with what they realized a not very experienced pilot flying them. The plane started to shake more and more and there were sudden random drops as well.

Diggle glared at Oliver. "I told you!" He yelled over the loud engines.

Oliver just looked back at him. He knew he had been wrong, and hated being wrong, so he would never admit it. "How much farther?!" Oliver yelled to the pilot who spoke little English.

"We here." The pilot responded. Then the plane exited the clouds and through the windows of the cockpit, Lian Yu came into view.

Oliver glanced over at Dig who was getting motion sickness. He gave him an 'I was right all along' look because they had made it. Almost.

"Get ready!" The pilot yelled.

"For what?!" Oliver yelled back confused. It would still be a bit till they could land.

"You jump." The pilot yelled again.

"Oliver," Dig said in a questioning, uneasy voice. Oliver noticed and tried to make sense of the situation.

"You said you would bring us to the island!" Oliver yelled as the plane fell a few meters. He and Dig held on to the cargo net that was in the back of the old rusty plane hanging.

"I did, now you jump." The pilot said as he turned and gave the two men a thumbs up with one hand.

"You have got to be kidding me." Dig mumbled to himself.

"Nope!" Oliver yelled as he heard Dig. He flashed his friend his 'billionaire playboy' smile.

They started to get their parachutes ready. When they were, Oliver opened the door in the back of the plane. He stepped out and placed his feet on the edge. He motioned for Dig to follow him. The engines were so loud, nothing else could be heard.

"At least this isn't the first time I'm doing this!" Dig thought to himself. He let his mind wonder back to the memory of him and Felicity coming to the island to get Oliver. But only for a second. He snapped himself back to reality, noticing Oliver holding up his hand. He held three fingers up, he counted down with them as he mouthed the numbers.

"Three... two... one!" Oliver mouthed. And he and John both jumped from the ledge of the plain at the same time.


Oliver and Dig landed on the beach of Lian Yu on the south east side. They removed the parachutes and got them selves situated before they stated their journey. Oliver got out his Green Arrow suite and quickly put it on. He skipped the hood, he thought it wouldn't be needed. Even though there were probably men that were working for Slade here, no one was leaving alive, except his family. He knew he promised himself never to kill again after his best friend Tommy died. But family was different than a drug lord or scammer. He finished with swinging his quiver over his arm so it rested on his back, and putting his bow in hand. Dig on the other hand had put on his bulletproof jacket from his Spartan suite and skipped his helmet as well. He loaded his guns and placed one on his left leg, one in each holster on the side of his hips, one small one in his jacket, and one in his hand. He made sure to pack extra ammunition, and he was ready.

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