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I was 10 when I had my first boy best friend. He was 11 when he had his first girl best friend. Everyone thought we were in a relationship, but we weren't...we just really liked each other. Kids used to come to us ever so not rarely and say, " Ohhhh, how was your date last night? " or " You guys are sooo cute together! " and even " Everyone make way for the couple of the year! ". It used to annoy me so much, that I would burst whilst at school. However, Hugh never felt that way. He was calm and seemed to always make me calm.

Sonner or later, I knew I was bound to have no friends except Hugh; everyone had one rule: never become friends with the opposite gender. My girl best friends had believed that rule and gave me dirty looks every time I walked past them. I never understood the logic of that rule. What was wrong with boys? I mean, I understand at times they can get very annoying, but once you get to know them...they're like family. Who am I kidding? I never felt that way about Hugh, but I truly don't understand the meaning of the rule.

But that rule became clearer and clearer every year, that once the teachers found out, they made it a strict rule; meaning: it's like the law! Teachers also soon found out that Hugh and I had been friends all along, but they didn't suspend us since the rule had just started to go into play. " Nicole and Hugh, this is the first time, if I see you two again, with each other, I have no choice but to take drastic measures. " said Mr. Andrews, who I think was trying to threaten us.

By now I know you might be thinking like, " Why hasn't she told her parents? ". Well, believe me or not, my parents didn't believe me...and I knew exactly why: I was that type of April-fool's-prankster-even-though-it's-not-April-fool's. My parents were the type who enjoyed that. I had done many pranks on them in the past; when I told them about the rule, they just simply laughed and said, " That was a good one, Nicole! ". No matter how many times I told them about it, they would repeat what they always did: laugh and tell me that I'm good at pranks. I regret being such a prankster now.
So, Hugh and I still hung out as we were such rebels even though the rule and the "threat" clearly told us not to. As we grew older, the rule gradually became reality. What I mean by that is: the rule...was clear...crystal clear. Students were suspended even if it was the first time they talked to the opposite gender. For example, I knew a girl named Melissa. She sat next to Jake in History. Jake and Melissa started to hangout secretly like Hugh and I did. The teachers took note of their secret hangout spots or days they would hangout. Mr. Andrews threatened them one morning, the same way he did with us.

Tbh (to be honest), I felt bad for her. I mean...she didn't see it coming. So what happened (from the rumors), one of their hiding spots was behind a bush. They were talking, when Mrs. Holt saw Jake's head and started walking to the bush. Jake whispered, "Code red!" but unfortunately, Melissa didn't hear him. Jake ran, thinking that Melissa was behind him, but she was not. Of course you would think Melissa saw him run...well...that is just not the truth. Melissa had glasses...and by now you would have figured out what happened next. But for you people who are slow pokes...
-coughs- Hugh is what happened: Melissa's glasses flew off by the gush of wind created by Jake's speed. Mrs. Holt got to her before she had figured out what had happened.

Mrs. Holt told Mr. Andrews and he told our principal, Mr. Jefferson, (peculiar name...right) and Melissa got suspended. Hugh and I started to become more careful. We were always carefree, (only girls will understand that joke...) and now we had to be careful.

We grew and grew...and we started to separate. Soon enough, Hugh and I knew we wouldn't be hanging out anymore...

Hai! Thanks so much for reading the first chapter...hope u enjoyed it...♥️

Clue: Next chapter is going to be a 2 in 1 special

~ Maylese

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