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I wake up and Hugh is sleeping right next to me. "WAKE UP!" I scream in his ears. He slowly wakes up, "I'M AWAKE!" he screams back. We both laugh and go into the next room where Katie and Katie's boyfriend, Oliver, are still sleeping. We wake up the 2 of them and announce that today is "Beach Day". I go over to the closet and open it, revealing all my cute Hawaiian outfits. I pick this one: 

Katie takes the best photos! Don't I look cute in that pic?

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Katie takes the best photos! Don't I look cute in that pic?

Hugh comes out of the bathroom and runs to the beach before I can see him. "Wait! Babe, where are you going?" I yell after him. "Oh whatever, I'll see him on the beach. Katie, come out, I need to see your outfit!" I say curiously. Katie looks amazing:

It's not really "Hawaiian" but she rocks the casual! "OMG! You look adorbs!" I say

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It's not really "Hawaiian" but she rocks the casual! "OMG! You look adorbs!" I say. "Thanks, you are really pulling off that outfit!" she compliments back. We run towards the beach and find Hugh and Oliver in one of the small Cabanas, waiting for us. "What now?" I ask, wondering of ideas. "Well, why don't we go for a swim?" Hugh says. "Luckily, I packed all 4 of ours' swimsuits, so let's do it!" I say and take of my skirt. I kinda had a feeling that we would be swimming so I wore my bikini under my outfit. Katie, Oliver and Hugh have to go to the changing room though so I sit in the Cabana waiting for them to come back.

While I wait, I try to find the bottle of sunscreen from Hugh's backpack. As my hand is rummaging in the bag, I find myself touching a small box. I pull my hand out but before I could see the box, Hugh startles me, I lose my grip of the box and lose it in the bag. "What are you doing?" he asks. "Well, I was looking for the sunscreen." I tell him, confused. "Oh um...I packed that neatly. It doesn't matter. Here, let me look. I think I know where to find it." he tells me, sighing. He pulls out the bottle of sunscreen and helps me spray it on. After everyone gets their share of the bottle, we run towards the waves. 

"Ah! Katie, where are you?!" I scream during our splash fight. "Here!" she screams back. I hear her voice behind me and turn in the water. But I lose my balance and fall underwater. Soon, something grabs my leg, although I don't know who or what it is. I panic but then look down at my feet and see a human hand. You may think, "That is still a reason to panic!", but no. I quickly realize it's just Hugh as he is wearing the bracelet I made for him on Valentines Day. I pull away my leg harshly and rise to the top of the surface of the water, take a deep breath and search for Hugh. Before he pulls me down again, I splash him, making him lose his eyesight due to the water in his eye. 

Once his vision is back, he spins around and doesn't see me. All he sees is the other couple, playing in the water. "I'm underwater, Hugh." I say quickly and submerge myself in the water before he has a chance to glance at me. He finds me underwater and gives me an underwater kiss. Then we chase each other back and forth until we find ourselves drenched in water, snaking on fries, in the Cabana. "That was a great time!" Katie says. "Uh-huh." Oliver replies, with a mouthful of fries. "What do you see in him?" I tease. All of them, especially Katie, then gives me a dirty look. "I'm just kidding! He is a great guy!" I say as I laugh, trying to make things better. Then, Katie finds the humor and laughs along. Soon, all of us are laughing. 

"I think Hugh and I better go do some guy things. Aka, hit the waves!" Oliver announces. Hugh gets up and says, "Too bad the surfing area is where you guys can't see it. Sorry, love ya babe! Bye!". He runs off with Oliver, smirking. "What is wrong with them?" I ask myself. "You'll see..." says Katie mysteriously.  

Now I'm wearing another cute outfit because I accidentally wet my other outfit when I was drinking my lemonade. Whoops! Here: 


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 Anyway, I look at the text from Hugh and it says, "Look behind, on the ground. Follow the shells." and nothing else. Ok? Hugh did this behind our back?! Woah. 

I follow all the pretty shells, admiring each one. Hugh knows how much I love  shells! The path goes all the way to the edge of the beach. There is a note at the end of it: "I have loved you forever. It has taken me, 6 years to have the courage to do this. Look up.".

 I look up and see in shells the words, "Will you marry me?" and at the end of the question, Hugh, on his knee, holding the box I held earlier. Staring at the words, I walk over to Hugh. "So, what is it?" he takes my hand. 

I see at the corner of my eye, Katie, who happens to me recording the scene. I also see Oliver, who gives me a thumbs up when he notices my eyes on him. 

"Hugh, I would love too marry you!" I say, jumping. "Yes!" Katie and Oliver say in the background. Hugh slips the ring onto my ring finger, and gets up. We hug, share a kiss and then go over to our friends. 

This is where my story ends. 


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