Sorry Not Sorry

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A/N: watch the video ^ when you see " ** ". It will be in bold. Enjoy!

Last night, Hugh and I watched Netflix and pranked people. It felt right. Just us. Spending time. Together.

I woke up and found myself on someone's shoulder. At first, I jumped. But then soon remembered it was just Hugh. It was to late to go back to sleep as he had woke up with me getting startled and I was wide awake.

"Morning, Nicole." he says yawning. "Hey." I yawn. "So, the plan?" he asks. "Oh ya. Um. Later." I reply as I get up. I walk to the bath room and look in the cabinet for a spare toothbrush. Luckily, I have an un-opened one. I give that to Hugh and we brush together. Isn't that what couples do? After freshening up, I talk to Hugh, "Did you get spare clothes?". "Yes," he responds, "Just in case. And everything else. I had a feeling I would sleep here. But of course, forgot the toothbrush, so thanks, Nicole.". "No problem! I'll go for a shower first and then you can go.". He nods. I walk over to my closet and take out my clothes. 

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I got downstairs to quickly see if Mum is awake

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I got downstairs to quickly see if Mum is awake. And of course I see Mum freaking out over breakfast. "Honey! I don't want to spoil your boyfriend's breakfast!" she replies when I ask her about the rush.

"Nicole?" I hear from upstairs. It's Hugh. I climb the stairs and enter the door on the left. "Hey Hug-", I stop. Hugh looks amazing. "What? Why are you staring at me?" he freaks out. "Woah. I just wanted to say that you look amazing, as always." I respond. "Thanks, Nicole. You look: Drop. Dead. Gorgeous." he flutters me. "Awww. Thanks!" , I reply, "Let's go downstairs, Mum made eggs and bacon!". "Oh. My. God! My fav!" he says as he runs to the kitchen and devours his meal. I felt like he was going to eat the plate as well.

We walk upstairs, the weight of our breakfast in out stomachs making us slower. "That was delicious." Hugh falls onto the bed. "Ya I know it was. This is the fifth time you mentioned it!". We both laugh. "What now?" I ask. "We talk. How do you want your first prom to be like?" he asks randomly. "Oh. Well, I never really thought of that. I mean, my idea of prom would be: going full on." I confuse him. To be honest, I am a little confused myself. "What does that mean?". "Well, that I would wake up to a nice spa morning with Katie. After the spa, we would go shopping for the perfecto outfit. I have always loved lace dresses so that is what I would probably get. Maybe Katie would get a floral dress. She is in love with flowers." I continue, "Then we go to my place and change. Do our makeup. Do our hair. Have a snack while we get ready." . We laugh. "We go in a limo, get to prom and dance. All night. Until my legs break. The night would end with me and my prince, and a true loves kiss. Just like in the movies." I finish.

"Woah. And who would be your prince?" he winks. "I don't know..." I tease him when he makes a surprised face. "I'm just kidding! If I still knew you, I would take you." I tell him, "Your turn!". "Ok, so, you know what? My prom idea is similar to yours. except, guys don't do late shopping." he replies. I give him a small punch on the arm and I start to get nervous. It's 8:00, 1 hour until my performance for Tom starts. We wait...very patiently. 

9:00 pm. Now is the time.

We get the lights, the music and the room ready and we hear the doorbell ring 15 minutes later with Tom, Rachel and his parents, at the front door. "I just thought Rachel needed an apology as well." he tells me as we walk upstairs to my room. "Yup. Apology." I mutter to Hugh. We walk in and they sit down onto the 2 chairs we arranged for them. Hugh turns down the lights but makes sure they can still see us. 

The good thing about having a soundproof door is for things like this. At least his parents won't hear about the plan until after  they leave. 

"So, why are the lights turned down? And why is there a microphone? And why is Hugh holding an electric guitar?" Rachel asks. "Just wait and see..." I say suspiciously. "Ready, Nicole? I'm ready!" Hugh says. "Yup." I reply. 

"This is to Rachel and Tom, sorry...," I say and then turn to Hugh and whisper, "Not sorry...".


We finish the song and look to the audience. Both girl and boy, have their mouths open. "Oh. My. GOD!" Rachel starts and gets up and rushes over to me. But Hugh being the boyfriend he is, stops Rachel on her way to me. "Don't even think about it." he says seriously. "Ugh! Tommy! Do something!" she tells her boyfriend. "So, you are not sorry?" Tom asks. "What do you think, Katherine Obvious?!" I say to Tom as all 3 of them pull a 'confused' expression of their faces. "What?" Tom says. "I said 'What do you think, Katherine Obvious'." I reply. Why are they so confused? "Babe, it's Captain Obvious." Hugh surprises me. Rachel nods at Hugh's statement. "Are you sure?...WAIT! That's not the point!" I shout. "What did you think of the song?" Hugh asks. 

"1 word: ew." Rachel says. "Ya scared, Tom? Awwww." I roast Tom. "N-No!" he stammers. "I-I hated it." he hesitates and runs out of my room. Rachel follows. Hugh and I glance at each other and run after the couple. 

"Mum and D-Dad, we need to go h-home." he says and rushes off to the door and walks across the street with Rachel. "What has your daughter done now?" Mrs. Styles says and gives my parents a 'Ugh' and 'I don't care' look mixed. What?

My Dad storms off to his room, upset and mad. I don't know why. "Oh Hugh! Nicole!". My Mum pulls us into a tight hug. "Mum. What's up with Dad?" I ask after Hugh goes upstairs to collect his bag. "Hon, don't worry." she tells me. That makes me worry even more.

Hugh leaves the house after we say our goodbyes and I walk upstairs. After a little while, I hear Mum and Dad arguing downstairs. "I will not tolerate with this, Karen!" says my Dad. "What do you expect me to do, Bob?" I don't want to hear anymore so I close the door and drift off into sleep...

Heyyyy! How did u like this chapter? My fav part was the "Katherine Obvious"! Amazing! Shout out to "Victorious" (a show I adore like mad!) which had the quote! Check the episode out! "Survival of the Hottest" is the name. I kno what u r's not that type of "hot". -giggles- . Btw, I updated the cast so check out the new characters, Bob Stone, Andre Harris and Karen Brooks.

Clue: "Sometimes good things fall apart, so better things can fall together" - Marilyn Monroe. 


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