Our Confession

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We walk towards the BMW and once again, Hugh is there to open the door for me. " Ladies first! " he says when we both laugh. We starts to drive away and he asks me a question, " Have you told your parents about how you met me? ". " Have you told your Mum? " I reply. " No. I just told her that I was meeting up with the guys. ". " I told her that I had to do a study project with Marie and would be back by 9:30. We can have dinner! And I'm paying! " I warn Hugh. " Sure. Well, here we are. " he says. " Woah! That was fast! " I say. " And we are just in time for the sunset. " he says as we get out of the car and he pulls me into the park. We start to run to a place where is far from the entrance to Pim Park.

" Here we are! Are you tired? Do you want to sit down? " he says after 5 long minutes of running. " Yes and yes. Look, there's a bench there... " I say. " Right next to the Circle Lake..." we say in unison. We walk slowly towards the empty bench and sit down. " Well, are you having fun so far?" he asks. " Yes, I am. How about you? " I ask. " I'm having an amazing time with you, Nicole. And that brings me to why I brought you here. Maybe after the sunset, I'll tell you. ' he says as we both look in front of us and see the sun set. My mind races with possibilities of what he might tell me. I mean he has got to like me. Why is this a date then? Should I tell him that I also have some- thing to tell him? " I have something to tell you as well..." I say. I may sound calm, but Hugh doesn't know how anxious I am.

The sun fully sets but we don't face each other for quite a few seconds. When we finally do, he holds my hand and I hold his and in unison we say, " I like you! ". " I've liked you ever since I met you. " he says. " Really? " I said. " Yeah...how about you? " he asks. ' Well, I'm not really sure. I guess I've always liked you but never really showed or felt it. Do you know what I mean? " I say. "" Yeah! I actually do! It was not only 'til I met you last week that I realized I had a crush on you. " he says. It's like we a connected. " Yeah, me too! So we are definately a couple. Boyfriend and girlfriend? In a relationship? " I ask. " Yes, yes and yes. So where are we going from dinner? " he asks. " We will be going to the the Donatello restaurant. They have the most amazing Italian food ever! It's just a few minutes away actually! I have the directions."

We chat on and on for 30 minutes when I say, " I think it's about time we leave. I have already made a reservation for 7:10. Come on, come on! " I say and pull Hugh mimicking what he did to me. We finally reach the entrance and we get into the car and Hugh and I drive to the restaurant. We reach and I tell the lady at the counter my name. " Nicole brooks, reservation for 7:10. " I say. " Come right this way, Ms. Brooks and Mr. Grey. " says the lady. " Miss and Mister! Why so formal, dudette? " Hugh whispers into my ear. " Number 1: never call me dudette. I am your girlfriend now, so you may call be babe or honey or just by my name. Number 2: Dinner is always meant to be fancy on a date. "

The waitress arrivess at our table; she takes our order: Hugh is having Tortellini Alla Borina while I dedcide to go for the Penne Arrabbiate. It takes a while for our food to arrive, but it comes eventually. I just wonder when the food will actually come.

"Nicole, you have a bit of pasta sauce on your cheek..." he says as I look up at him. I sub conciously rub my cheek but there was nothing. "What?" I ask him. "Just..." he leans in and brushes his thumb on a certain spot. "And voila!" he exclaims. Suddenly, we lean towards each other without noticing at all. He dips his head and... KISSES me?!

Wait... Hugh Grey just kissed me. Hugh Grey just kissed me?!

"Hugh, was that cheek thing just an excuse?" I laugh. "Maybe... maybe not..." Hugh whispers.

We both laugh. I honestly think this was the best date of my life. Actually my first one; after paying for dinner, we slowly walk to the car, tightly holding hands and we drive to my house.

"Hugh, I can't possibly tell you how amazing my day was. Thank you so much! " I say as we walk to my front porch and I put my hand on the handle of my front door. Before I turn the knob, he kisses me. " Goodnight...babe. " he says as he walks to his car and waves until I go in. I look through the peep hole in my door and still see Hugh. I got startled by the sudden light tuning on.

Hey readers! Did you feel the emotions listed: Sad, laughter, squirmy and happy (as Nicole and Hugh are now together)? I know I did. That was so full of emotion and suspense.

I bet all the "babe'' parts get my female readers very squirmy; and maybe my male readers jealous...Anyway, thank you so much for reading and now all you have to do is wait for the next chapter.

Clue: It's called "Grounded".

That's all I'm gonna say. Toodles!

~ Maylese

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