35. Message

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thank you @jyllshew54 for reading and voting ~^O^~ ohorat!


Chorong's POV

1:59pm. I was standing in front of a painting shop looking at Kris who is sitting in one of the benches along the street.

He's wearing a gray cardigan over a white shirt, skinny black pants and gray Kolon Sports shoes, and a black hat over his head.

I didn't know he is this fashionable outside school. I only saw him wearing his school and basketball uniform.

And I am wearing a plain white with sleeve one-piece casual dress paired with a simole white tennis shoes. Bomi said it's just enough for a date in the streets of Insadong. Heels is a big no-no.

Sighing again. I couldn't count how many times I sighed today.

Am I really going on a date with him?

More than a dream come true, this is like a fantasy. How would this thing happen in reality unless there is some kind of a joke?

Gathering all my courage, I started to walk towards him with heavy steps.

"Kr---" I was about to call him when suddenly..

you are my destiny geudaen~♪

My ringtone. I stepped back and hid inside the painting store. I got scared that Kris would hear me. I'm really not ready to face him.


"Chorong-ah." It's Eunji. "I know you are already there and Bomi even helped you dress up, but I think you have to come back." Her voice sounded angry and worried at the same time.


I heard her sigh.

Then Chanyeol's voice on the line. "Chorong, I think it's not true! Hyung isn't---"

"Give me that!" Seem like they are fighting again.

What are they trying to tell me?

"Chorong-ah. Don't be too shock but someone has been sending pictures in Kakaotalk.. and.. no matter what it is.. just come back please."

As I hung up the phone, I checked my messages, and yes, there was someone who posted in our class's chatroom.

What is this...?

Felt like I've been hit with arrows in every part of my body.

Shaking my head, Yeah. I know, right? How would this thing happen in reality unless this is some kind of a joke? This is too much!

Crystals started flowing out of my eyes as I ran away out of that place, avoiding that guy...

who just broke my heart.


What happened? What was the message about? What did Chorong see? Will Kris be able to tell him how he feels?

HAHA (*^﹏^*) kkaeb song~

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