Chapter 5

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Hey lovelies! I finally figured I'd get this out to you. And it's a special day as well. Because it is the one and only CC's Birthday! I hope he has a fab day and I'm glad I got this out on the big day lmao! xD

Question, any of you listened to BVB's new track Unbroken? It's fucking fabulous! My heart died a little and I'm now torturing myself. It's just so cruel to do this to us!

Dedicated to the lovely Dying_Ashes because her work is amazing and I'm hooked onto her story 'Tainted Love' Go see her stuff please? :3 

I don't own Black Veil Brides, nor their girlfriends. I only own the characters and the plot line.

Much loves and enjoy! ;) 

When I arrived at the abandoned warehouse, I got off my bike and immediately started setting up my camera equipment.

Moments later, two cars pulled up and I abandoned my stuff, heading toward the boot of the first car as the guys got out. 

Ash and CC grabbed the extra lighting equipment and opened up the box before pulling out my flash kit. I pulled the light reflectors out and Sammi took them off me instantly, grinning.

I smiled back and the boys were off wandering , exploring their new playground as to put it. 

It took me a moment, but I finally pulled out the lights, setting them up in the specific area where we were going to be shooting first. 

When that was done and I had my camera around my neck, I stripped off my jacket, and  I let out a whistle, catching the guys attention.

"I get that you're all curious, but please. The last thing I need is broken bones. Or ribs for that matter."  The guys laughed as Andy pouted at me and I winked before I looked between them and their backdrop.

"Sammi, mind flicking on that light and turning off the flash gun?" She did as I directed and I looked to the guys. 

"Horror. Halloween. Along those lines and it'll work." Instantly, their persona's changed. From joking carefree guys, to a professional looking band. 

They did as directed and I started shooting, asking Sammi occasionally to change the lighting. The guys worked with me easily and the end product was starting to shape itself out. 

Juliet and Ella simply stood back, watching carefully with how I worked and it was amusing to watch their expressions change. 

It amused me with the banter between us, especially at one point with Ash.

"Ash, open your jacket a bit more, I want a clear view of your Outlaw tattoo."

"Nah, you just want to see more of this hot bod." I snorted and rolled my eyes.

"Right Ash. In your dreams." 

"Not in mine, but maybe in yours." At this the guys laughed and I rolled my eyes. 

"Just do it Ash."

"Do what?"


"Why? By saying 'just do it' I get many scenarios within my mind." At this everyone laughed and I facepalmed the boy.

"Ashley. I want to see more of the damn tattoo, move the jacket."

"And i want to see more of that lush chest, but it ain't gonna happen." Instantly my cheeks flamed red and I felt self conscious.

"Over stepped the line Ashley. Just move the damn jacket." I muttered and he shot me an apologetic look before doing as I asked. 

I remained quiet but the guys had banter between themselves. I could feel the girls eyes on me and I just ignored the looks whilst I finished up.

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