Chapter 10

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Love me, love meee. Say that you love meeee~

I've had that song stuck in my head since 3am this morning x) Enjoy the chpater, comment & Vote etc. 

Apicture of Kia's dress is on the side :3 

The sunlight filtered through the cracks of the curtains as I heard voices from somewhere in the house. 

It took me a moment to remember that I was in fact in Chris' home, and not my small apartment.

The voices caught my attention and I concentrated for a minute, my brain not functioning right to understand the words.

"-How can I say anything?"

"But CC-"


"Just take her out on one date. She'd be so happy for just that."

"... Fine." His voice sounded resigned? Confused? I didn't know, but it seemed that he was taking mystery girl on a date. 

I felt disappointment flood through me as I let myself drift off once more. I didn't want to be in a place where my emotions controlled me. I'd been there once before and it wasn't the happiest place in the world.

All of a sudden, a body came crashing on top of me and I couldn't help but let out a scream in fear, my body reacting instantly as I shoved whoever dared to wake me up, off me. 

Of course, it was Ashley.

"Ashley Purdy you're going to die boy." I grumbled, kicking him off the bed as I sat up, my eyes trained on him and narrowed. Someone cleared their throat, causing my attention to change and my eyes locked with Chris' as he held a mug out in an offering almost.

"Coffee?" I looked at the mug and he handed it me swiftly and I took a gulp, my eyes closing as the caffeine worked its way around my body and I sank back into my pillows  once more.

"Dare to do that again and there will be blood shed." I warned and the three boys just chuckled at my grumpiness.

I was never the best person in the morning, but being woken up was the worst.

"What's the agenda for today then?" Chris murmured. I moved myself so that I was sat up and leaning against the back of the sofa and the guys sat on the edge of the bed.

"Well, Ash wanted to crack down on some songs, and we thought you could come up with some drum solos?"

"I can do that. Hey Kia?" I looked over to Chris who had a grin on his face. "To make up for Ash waking you up, fancy learning how to drum?" My lips turned into a smile as I nodded my head eagerly.

"It'd be nice to be able to learn something." Chris grinned at me and the other two simply laughed at my enthusiasm.

"Never have I seen someone so excited to learn something." Ashley commented. In return, I stuck my tongue out at him in a childlike manner.

"You two are so alike it's scary." Andy murmured and both me and Chris stuck our tongues out at him. "See what I mean?!" He whined to Ash and we all laughed as the singer pouted.

"Oh shush. You wouldn't have either of us any other way or you'd be bored to death." I muttered and Andy simply grinned.

"Don't I know it." I threw a pillow at him before I drained my mug of coffee and I stood up, stretching my body out. I heard quiet murmurs and then I remembered my back. My arms dropped to my sides and I motioned for them to get off the bed.

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