Chapter 13

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Took like 13 minutes longer but it's here!

It's just some fluff moments and a bit of girlie time for now. I have a bit of a dark twist coming up so be prepared.

Song is on the side. 

Enjoy the chapters loves ♥

The next few days were uneventful at least. We hadn't told the band because Chris felt that they'd twig on anyway.

It still didn't stop him from dropping hints on Twitter.

A few times during the day, he'd help me with drumming, my grin stretching each time I managed to successfully play each tune he gave me. I could see that he was impressed with how quick I was learning. 

I was just impressed on how my fear didn't slow me down when we curled up on the sofa in the evening, watching a film. It felt just right and he remained the perfect gentleman, giving me a kiss goodnight before heading upstairs to his own bed.

I might have had the few times where I fell asleep with him, but he always went up to his own bed. And even though it disheartened me that he'd left me, I knew that he was silently showing me that I could trust him.

It felt nice that he wasn't pushing me too far. 

Three days had passed after our little date at his home. It felt nice that nothing changed when he asked me to be his girlfriend. We still acted like our daft selves, had our disagreements and of course, our crazy moments.

We were currently curled up on the couch watching Lord Of The Rings. The doorbell went off causing us both to jump before laughing. 

"I'll go get it." I muttered as I got up and stretched before walking out of the room to open the door.

I was dragged into a hug and I blinked before hugging the crazy woman back whilst laughing.

"Hi Sammi." She let go of me and grinned before she walked past me into the house. Jinxx stood there and gave me a small smile and I just laughed before opening my arms out for a hug.

Once we were inside, I headed straight for the living room. I had to stop myself from grumbling when i spotted Sammi sat next to Chris, chatting with him animatedly. So I just took the small two seater and laughed when Jinxx gave a look to his girlfriend who just stuck her tongue out at him.

"I swear she needs an off button." I grumbled and he laughed.

"There is one. But it rarely gets used because she's always so busy." Jinxx watched Sammi for a moment, and when she looked at him, even I could see the love between them. 

Chris caught my eye and both of us grinned at each other before the other two lovers broke out of their trance.

"So what's been going on then Kia?" Jinxx raised an eyebrow at me and I snorted in laughter.

"Films, food and sleep. Nothing exciting here." Chris seemed to have caught onto my words and let out a whine. This made me laugh. "Oh and drum lessons.  Can't forget the drumming lessons." I teased and in response, Chris stuck his tongue out at me.

"Smartass." he grumbled and i just smiled at him.

"How're the guys?" At this Jinxx's lips turned into a cheeky grin.

"They're good. But be prepared when you next see them..." He trailed off, his lips tugged into a rather wide grin which made me feel slightly nervous.


"There are bets on. That's all I'm saying." Sammi's eyes caught mine and she just mouth 'Boys', thus causing me to let out an unladylike snort in laughter.

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