Chapter 11

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Dedicated to her again because I felt she needed a bit of a boost for one of her stories. Just know I'm waiting for another update and check out her boyxboy story too :3


I looked at him in shock, the words ringing around in my head. Surely he didn't see me in that way did he?

"But, why couldn't you just ask me?" I finally got out, my mind still muddled up to form somewhat of a response.

"I really don't know. But I just didn't know how to ask you.." He trailed off and I felt my cheeks warm up.

"But, me, why?" I stumbled out, my cheeks growing redder as he laughed, pouring us each a glass of white wine.

"Because you saw me. You're seeing the person underneath the layers that the fans see. You didn't freak out the day you discovered that I was your pen pal. You've supported me as well you know. When you took me to the small clearing, I had needed to clear my mind and you offered just that without realising. Your personality makes you shine like a star and you're so beautiful." I blinked a few times, reeling in shock at the words which tumbled from his lips.

"I-I don't know what to say..." I trailed off, looking down at the table. Chris reached over and took my hands in his which caused me to look up.

"Just let me take you on another date after tonight?" I couldn't stop my lips from turning up into a smile as I nodded my head.

"Of course. At least you asked properly this time." I teased and he just laughed.

"I was nervous. I thought this would be better so I could have more confidence and not chicken out." He grinned cheekily at me and I couldn't help roll my eyes.

I moved one of my hands from his grasp and picked up the glass of wine, tasting a bit of it and scrunching my face up. It was nice, but too sweet, almost, for me. Chris simply watched in amusement before letting go of my hand and drinking from his own glass.

The waiter appeared once more and asked us for our orders of food. I opted for the Lasagne and Chris chose the Spaghetti and Meatballs.

"You know.. People always thought I was too childish for anyone to understand me." Chris stared at his hands, his mind clearly elsewhere as I took a sip of water, my eyes watching him.

"Well you are incredibly childish, but that just adds to the fun. There are people who love you for drumming in Black Veil Brides, there are people who love you for your looks, there are people who love you for your childish natures but there are also people who love you for just being you as often as you can." He glanced up and gave me a brief smile, to which I returned.

"You have got a point. Though the fans who like me for my looks do tend to freak me out somewhat.." He trailed off and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Must suck to be you then." I teased and he stuck his tongue out at me.

At that moment, the waiter turned up with our food and left without a word. So we tucked into our meal in a comfortable silence. 

Once we had finished, the silence lingered and we simply appreciated each others company, it was nice for once to be with someone and I wouldn't be forced to talk.

But with Christian, for me it was like that. I didn't have a need to talk around him. With the other guys, I felt obliged almost to talk with them, but with Chris it just felt natural to not talk.

My phone buzzed and I watched as a smirk appeared on his lips.

"10 bucks it's one of the guys."

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