Chapter 15

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Not edited, really short, but I felt like I needed to get this to you. More in the next chapter, I promise!

I'll edit it when I have the time later, and I hope you enjoy.


Two weeks had passed. I didn't know if I was ready to face the fact that my best friend was gone, or the fact that I had decided to move to L.A. 

Whilst I spent time planning the funeral with her family, they decided to have her buried here, their reason was that they felt they needed to keep in contact with me, and they didn't want her to leave me completely. 

So with the help of Sammi and Juliet, I'd managed to find a nice flat, not too far from Chris's home, so it meant that it wouldn't be missions for me to go if I wanted to be with someone. I also wasn't far from Sammi's flat either, so it meant that if we watned a girls night, it wouldn't be too much of a hassle.

When the time came around for Amelia's funeral, everything about me changed. A one eighty degree turn. 

For me, she was the go to girl. She was the girl who loved me for who I am. Next to the friends I'd found here, she was my closest. And it killed me inside when I said my goodbye to her as her coffin was lowered to the ground.

That night, I don't remember much, all I know is that I'd drunk far too much and I was incoherrant and swearing like a sailor. I was apparently carted home in a taxi, and Chris didn't leave my side, even though I'd apparently told him to 'fuck off' numerous times. I felt so guilty when Sammi and Juliet told me this. 

So it brings me to this goodbye to my boyfriend. I decided to get everything sorted back at my old flat, and get my stuff on the move. It meant a week away from Chris, btu it would give me a week to clear my head and get myself back on track.

"You know, you're stonger than you believe." Chris mumbled into my hair, my arms wound around his waist, his arms around my torso.

We were spending the last few moments at my gate.

"Maybe so. But you're my rock, keeping me strong. This gives me a chance to grab my bearings." I muttered against his chest. I felt it shake which indicated that he was struggling to contain his laughter.

"Oh Kia. You're stronger than you give yourself credit for baby." He pulled back and gave me a lingering kiss as my flight was called out.

It made letting go of him harder. I just wanted to forget my old life, but I had my responsibilities to sort out.

He let me go and I walked to the check in gate and handed the attendant my ticket and passport. She offered a smile before handing me back my things. I nodded in thanks as I turned once more to my boyfriend and gave him one last fleeting wave.

Once I was in the tunnel, everything was sealed off, so I had no choice but to move forward to the plane and take my seat.

I was glad that I had an empty seat. Chris had paid the extra for me to fly first class, which I think was daft, but he insisted.

So I listened to the  safetly regulations, checking my notifications and smiled at a tweet which had just come through.

@KiigoesBOOM one week baby. You can manage that ;) <3

I rolled my eyes and quickly switched my phone to airplane mode. I plugged in my headphones and stuck the buds in my ears, the music swarming my ears as I closed my eyes and relaxed into the comfy seat.

Hours passed and eventually, I was making my way through the arrivals. I picked up my luggage and hailed a taxi, giving the driver the direction to my appartment. I paid no attention as the driver took the famliar roads back to my home. A place where comfort held, and right now, my comfort was with Chris.

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