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Warning: Minor sex scene late in this chapter.

I wake up with a smile on my face and open my eyes slowly.

The first thing I see is her beautiful face.

She is sleeping deeply, her head resting in the crook of my neck and her dainty hands on my chest.

My arms are wrapped around her waist. Her skin is warm and soft, I run my hand up her back and feel the bumps in her spine. "You need to eat a little more baby doll."

Dreaming, she doesn't hear me, but she stirs and says softly in her sleep.
"Of course I'll marry you Malcom."

I feel myself blushing. Maybe I should wake her before she says anything she'll regret. I lean down and kiss her full lips.

Her eyes flutter open and she looks at me in shock.
"Oh my god where am I? " she leans away and puts her hands over her breasts.

"Don't worry Ariana, you are safe."

Ariana calms down as she begins to recall the events of last night, her look of shock turns into a dreamy grin.

"Mac" she giggles.

"What is it?" I ask confused.

She points to my chest and giggles even more. I look down at my "No Woman No Cry Tattoo."
I never knew you had that! She gasps, trying hard to control her laughter. 

"I have a crazy one!" She wraps the bed sheets securely around her body and then puts her foot right next to me. "Read it!" She tries to hide her laughter.

"It says: Hi, with a smiley face." I beam at her.
"You are crazy Ari."
"So are you Malcom."

"I guess that means we're perfect for each other. "

I jump on her and she squeals playfully. I give her as a massive hug she is cozied up in her blanket . Kissing her cute nose, her cheek and her lips.

"Do you want some breakfast?"

"Breakfast is my favorite meal." She smiles.

She watches me as I get out of bed an slip on a white t shirt and grey sweatpants.

I give her one last kiss and leave my bedroom involuntarily. My mind is racing. All I can think about is her beautiful eyes, her gorgeous voice.... everything.

I look around the kitchen to try and find something vegan for her to eat. I'm not sure she'll be down for frosted flakes and toast. I find a pack of strawberries in the fridge and wash them, placing them on a plate  in a heart shape because I think I'm romantic as fuck.

I put it on a tray with two massive cups of black coffee. It's not much but it'll do for me and my angel. It's already 11am, we were up until 3am or something last night. Not that I noticed.

I walk in with my tray to see Ariana lying on the bed with her hair done in a half-up, her face washed of all makeup and wearing my favorite t shirt.
"You just get even more beautiful every time I see you." I set the tray down and hug her. 

We sit opposite each other on the bed cross legged, eating strawberries. She looks at me funny.
"What is it love?" I wiggle my eyebrows.
"You have a piece of strawberry on your lip somehow."
She crawls over to me and kisses the side of my mouth, licking it a little.
"There." She sits back and smiles at her good work.

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