Five; I saw, I screamed, I Usain Bolted

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gelasmillennium, thank you for voting on my story! Xxx

All eyes in the cafeteria were on me as my mouth is still hanging open as I continue to scream. It is Hunter who takes my phone off of me and addresses the situation at hand.

"It's alright she just saw one of those jumpscare videos. Apologies for the disruption of your lunch breaks."

Slowly everyone turns back around to face their own table, even though my friends and I know for a solid fact that they were still paying attention to me as their backs were facing towards me.

"Now, my mental asylum friend, what has brung you to your screaming demise?"

Lincoln Salisbury. He notificated me on Wattpad by private messaging me about how he wanted to know things about me but obviously I didn't want to say this because I was humiliated. Why? Well, that question has an obvious answer I was humiliated, because my writing was about romance and feelings, things that people don't want to talk about or read. Things that were based on my very own personal experiences, if he knew I was the author of that book he would know instantly who I was talking about.

If only he didn't know at all. I mean not even my own friends know who my book is about, not even the person who the book is about doesn't know it is them I am mentioning.

Sighing I shook my head, outstretching my hand out to let Hunter hand back my phone, that I so desperately want to get rid of. He reluctantly hands my phone back to me and I answer his question with a blatant lie.

"I thought I saw a notification that said Lincoln sent me a photo."

Pushing their trays of food away from them they look at me in disgust. Ariana's face was scrunched up and she seemed out of all of my friends the most disgusted with this atrocity of a statement.

"Ew, we didn't need to have that mental image in our heads thank you very much," Marama exclaims.

I shrug my shoulders in response. The familiar aroma of a football player floods into my nose and I can't help but start coughing, quite loudly might I add.

"Well, hello to you to Katherine," he says seductively right into my ear making the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

Turning around I give Lincoln a knowledgeable look as I try to turn back around, he pours a cold and dark coloured drink over the top of my head. It takes me by surprise which is quite stupid on my behalf because Lincoln is known for performing stunts like this on me every chance he can take.

My friends have already started to stick up for me just as Lincoln sits down next to me laughing and taking selfies with my drenched self. This was my norm. If only Lincoln and I could rewind the clock and we wouldn't be caught in this mess of a state, what can I say rumours ruin friendships. Relationships even!

"Lincoln, what do you want?" I say as calmly as I can muster since my feeling of anger wanted to take charge.

"Your mother personally asked me to bring you some proper clothes to wear and since your clothes that you are wearing right now are drenched, you have other choice but to wear these clothes that your mother picked."

I roll my eyes. "You could have at least just given me the clothes so that I can get changed in them," I whine.

"Oh I'm sorry but did I hear any thank you? I might as well just take these clothes away shall I?" he sneers.

"Thank you Lincoln," I whisper.

"That is much better, now if you don't mind I shall go off and find my mates for lunch."

"Asshole," I mutter.

The heels of Lincoln's shoes retreat from my table of friends and out through the door. Ariana was practically fanning herself with her tray, while the others were leaning their heads on top of their hands.


"Nothing," they all say in unison as they go back to eating their food.

The loud tapping sound of shoes grew closer and closer as my friends and I continue to eat our lunch in silence. I ignore the fact that the person who approached us has came and focus on not choking on a piece of food, I have choked on a piece of food once before.

"I heard you," he hisses into my ear sending shivers down my spine.

"Well, that's good then your ears must be in check," I say irritatingly.

Gesturing towards my attire he grimaces, "and it looks like you decided to stay a sloppy mess, on the outside now that is," he sneers.

I don't want to indulge in his little games, his little sick and childish games. He may think making a joke about that my writing is my cry out to the world that I am unwilling to grow up but he really doesn't know anything really. A lot of people write stories to help themselves from a negative situation by turning it into a positive situation, some people write stories because they love how stories connect with them on a deeper level and some just write because writing gives them satisfaction.

"Can you please just go away, I'm not in the mood."

"At least change your attire, some of my boys are getting restless and hungry for female flesh," he says seductively.

Sighing I quickly grab the bag and hop out of my seat and bolt quite loudly and quickly out of the cafeteria because everyone's eyes are staring directly at me. Especially Lincoln's mates. I head towards the girls bathroom that is conveniently round the corner from the cafeteria of heaven.

Pushing the door I walk straight into a cubicle, placing the bag onto the lid of the toilet. I didn't want to feel like a sticky mess for the rest of the day I thought. I had no choice though, out of all the liquids Lincoln had to choose and he chose a fizzy drink. Pulling out of the bag the clothes that my mother decided to grudgingly pick out from the bottom of my wardrobe I strip out of my clothes that I was currently wearing. I grab a piece of toilet paper and start dabbing at the spots where the fizzy drink decided to land before chucking it straight into the toilet to flush down later.

Shrugging on the black jeans, my huge grey jumper I start throwing all of my other pieces of clothing right into the bag that my currently worn clothes were once sitting in. I flush the toilet and throw the bag over my shoulder, I hate these clothes! Doesn't she know better than to dig through my wardrobe and tell me to wear clothes that I was lectured on the ethics of by my very own uncle. As my uncle always says "Presentation is key to a life well lead."

I mean I shouldn't be listening to a grown ass man tell me what to wear but the scars and the fear of his face before he hit me was what kept me up in the night. His face haunted me in my mind as I tried to sleep at night. My father helps me through those days when Ian isn't around to do so.

I sigh as I stare at myself directly in the mirror. I will never probably ever love the way I look.

My phone pings again and I try to control my breathing. It's Lincoln again, he has sent a message to my Wattpad account, he wants to know about me as an author. I don't know if I can handle this amount of pressure and fear that indulging in answering questions that Lincoln is asking to me as of right now.

Instead I turn on the faucet and splash my face in the cold, cold water which immediately brings me back to reality. Or at least what I imagine reality to be, I can never solidly tell since I spend most of my days cooped up in my room writing in a fictional world that I have made up in my head. Who's to tell what reality is anymore?

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