Fourteen; Hey to the highs and tears to the lows

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The rain fell heavily against the roof and onto the window of the sick bay, just like my tears as they fell down my cheeks making pools onto the ground. Ever since I was eight years old I always loved reading and writing. It was the one thing I could do to escape from the wrath of the world surrounding me, especially since I spent part of my childhood alone. That is until I turned the ripe ol' age of 10 and met the handsome and supportive soul, Ian.

But Ian isn't here to protect me from the treacherous thorns that are tightly wrapping around me on this day in the history of my life. All I have though is the sounds of the heavy rain falling onto the roof of the sick bay and the haunting and relentless words that are displayed on my Wattpad profile. I could possibly call Ian but at this odd time of the day it would be nearly impossible for him to answer partly because he is at school.

You know you could have Lincoln here to comfort you if you didn't put a wall up, my conscience says annoyingly. But sometimes people want to have their time alone from the world I answer back to my conscience.

I sigh at myself. Look at me, I'm here arguing with my very own conscience, which might I add inner Katherine is not getting you anywhere! I wipe my tears away from my face and completely turn my phone off and toss it across the room and onto the other bed in the sick bay. Not even caring for a second if I smashed it or not.

I really wish there was a disable feature for comments on Wattpad...

Lincoln's POV:

"Have you seen Langford?" I ask breathing heavily as I tried to catch my breath back again.

The group of girls shake their heads in unison as I quickly run further down the corridor. My feet painfully being a nuisance in the process. The air hits me as I turn left away from the corridor that I was previously running in. I really hope she hasn't done something that I don't want her to do. The last time I saw her was after her phone notificated her that Lucas had sent her hate comments on her Wattpad profile. The fact that he did makes my blood boil over in a wave of lava.

However my focus wasn't on him right now, my focus was on finding Katherine and making sure that she stays safe and sound.

There wasn't many places that Langford would go to, to hide but if I know her any better than I know myself an abandoned room would be the ideal place. I should know this I practically always find an escape place or route back at my own house on a daily basis.

"Katherine!" I shout as I continue running down the corridor.

I gain heaps of stares and whispers abruptly start as I tiredly continue running. My thunderous footsteps draw to a stop as I take notice of the new feature covering Katherine's locker.

A bunch of people move out of my way, which they shouldn't even be here in the first place, the bell had already rung for third period... If these people are out of class it must mean that something absolutely disgusting has happened. Hopefully it isn't bad as I am imagining it out to be, I thought anxiously biting the inside of my cheek in the process.

My heart drops as I take in every word that is splattered messily across of Katherine's locker. The words that were displayed on her Wattpad profile... the words that have caused her to disappear from even thinking of attending the rest of the school day.

Have you ever wondered why words hurt deeper than actions ever could?

No? Well you should. With actions they hurt physically but with time you will be able to heal from these actions and be able to move on. With words, words are metaphorically tattooed onto your skin, the words become you and or consume you. Sometimes you can take those words and create them into something positive but always once words have been uttered, they can change you.

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