Ten; Change is of the essence I say but sometimes change sits wrong with some

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A/N: Thank you to these following people for following me and or adding this book of mine into their reading lists;
Lisacanbullyme, KaiNyeTheScienceGirl,
iNao-kun and tru_bixch

100 reads already Yass! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 💗✨ I never will be able to make this book without you. X 👩🏻‍💻


South Carolina, America:

"Are you sure that I should be doing this?" I ask as Lincoln stands behind me looking intently at my reflection in front of me.

"Hey, it wasn't my idea to do this. You made this decision on your own... think about it this way, how long have you had this same look?" Lincoln states, making the words mallow in my head.

"Okay can you please give me the bob haircut?" I ask the hairdresser standing next to me.

She smiles at me and whips a black sheet over me and immediately without any hesitation starts cutting my hair. "My mother will kill me, no worse throw me off a cliff for doing this," I say nervously into the mirror reflection of Lincoln.

"It will be fine, I told her about our endeavours but I may have left out the visiting Ian later on part." Lincoln explains, making the pressure of my mother's storm to disappear.

The hairdresser tells Lincoln to leave because she doesn't work well when people are having a conversation together. Let us just say she may have had a mishap of burning someone's hair once when some couple were having an argument about cheating or something, I stopped listening when she started to talk about the extent of the argument.

Instead my thoughts were shoved to the thought of Lincoln. When Lincoln and I were going to get lunch today a lady running the cash register thought we were a couple, we both laughed at the thought and cleared up that we weren't. I never viewed him as more of a friend, he was more in my perspective an annoyingly cocky brother. I wouldn't be surprised if one day I wake up and find out that my family has moved in with Lincoln's.

Stifling my laughter I watch as strands of my hair fall down to the ground in small clumps. The feeling of seeing your own hair being cut right in front of you is kind of uplifting. It's like your soul is finally adapting to your own little era of change. It's truly beautiful and I have Lincoln to thank for that.

I steal a glance at Lincoln who is not so subtly taking photos of me on his iPhone. Probably for my mother I thought, she is probably worrying about me right now. Hopefully she isn't I don't like it when she is constantly worried about me.

"And done..." My hairdresser exclaims in a generally all too enthusiastic voice. A voice she probably uses only for the customers.

The clicking sounds of Lincoln's shoes becomes apparent once more as I spin the black swivel chair around to check myself out in the mirror. My jaw instantly drops. Grasping my short hair I smile at myself in the mirror turning my head to the left and the right as I do so. It is different I admit but it's a different that I can deal with.

"You are growing up so fast." Lincoln says, halfway through pretending that he is crying.

I laugh and hold my tongue between my teeth causing Lincoln to mirror my actions and laugh as well.

"I really like this look, but I think I need something to finish the look off." I say, looking intently at my plain short hair.

"You mean you want to dye your hair?" Lincoln asks.

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