Six; If Nardia was real, my closet will be my safe haven

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"This book is utterly perfection! I can't believe I could live in a day and age to enjoy such literature. Anyways, after reading your book I'm more so intrigued of you and where you come from. Like why did you start writing? And how did you stumble upon this app in the first place? Dash Lincoln."

The clatter of Ian's phone is all I hear as I tried to gather my thoughts as I hid in the depths of my closet. A closet however that looks eerily like a apocalyptic bunker safe. School had ended hours ago and it already struck that time of midnight as I hid away from the monster that of Lincoln's message. How am I going to go to school and coexist with Lincoln's face is beyond me, perhaps I could just hide in my closet for all of eternity. Yeah, that can't happen my mother would find me out easily, it's like she has a nose of a trained police dog.

"Okay deep breaths, there is no way in hell he will find out that the account that he contacted is yours," Ian says calmly but not calmly enough.

"He will find out it is my account! He knows me all too well, I mean my own mother is practically best friends with his mother... " I whisper exclaim before trailing off. I had to stop myself from admitting to Ian that secret I'm hiding from him, a secret that only Lincoln knows. This is why I am so adamant to fully comprehend that Lincoln will find out that this Wattpad account is my account.

I hear a loud sigh from Ian's end of the phone and my thoughts continue to become jumbled as I tried to think of things I could do to prevent Lincoln from finding out that it is my account. I could book a ticket and fly to the Canada, but my mother will potentially kill me if I even swipe my credit card for such extreme measures. I could move to Ian's city but my mother will still kill me, since my mother isn't that close to Ian's family, what can I say my mother doesn't like parents who have low ranked jobs.

I could join the military since my father did before I was born and is thinking of enlisting back into the military again. Then again, I have no experience with the handling of guns so that will backfire on me.

"Kat, you will be fine. I understand that you are concerned with your Wattpad account because Lincoln and your mother are practically best friends but I can assure you that nobody is going to hurt you. Everything will be-"

"How can you be so sure? You and I both know Lincoln is a detective working for my mother. He feeds off of the satisfaction of my demise, if anything I will be grounded for the rest of my life. There is no end to this tragic thing I call my life," I say.

"Kat, if you are that scared of Lincoln finding out and telling your mother that you have a writing account then you need to make sure everything in your account is unlike you."

"You mean, take Lady Gaga out of the picture?"

"Yes, and in her place put in a picture of Hedwig, the character from the movie Split."

I laugh, because I know for a fact that this movie is his favourite movie. I should know because he dragged me to the cinemas to see it, and might I just say that the movie was unbelievably brilliant.

"That is your first step and when he questions if it is your account change something else about the account. If he questions if it is your account for a third time then well you need to contact me as soon as possible."

I nod my head even though he can't see me but he knows I am nodding at him somehow and ends the call with me. Staring at my phone screen and straight at the screenshot of Lincoln's message I sigh as I bury myself in the clothes in my closet. This was going to be a long day.

When I eventually wake up to the soft comfort of my clothes I hear the sound of adult footsteps outside of my wardrobe door. I swear if it is my mother entering into my room to lecture me on the ethics of wearing proper clothes to school then I am staying in my wardrobe for all of the rest of eternity. Thankfully it isn't my mother when I open the door a creak, it is my father.

Author By ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now