Eleven; To try is the greatest experience one can go through

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A/N: Hey Wattpad, I forgot to say that I have edited certain parts in some chapters. They come as following, chapter eight, chapter nine and chapter three. I'm pretty sure I have left out some other chapters that I have edited but please take the time to check these chapters out and read them.
-G x

Ringing the doorbell to the left of Ian's front door repeatedly and annoyingly I desperately awaited for the door to swing open. When it didn't I turn around and shrug my shoulders at Lincoln's concerned face.

"I should have just told him I was arriving beforehand..." I say in a rushed manner combing my hands through my hair. That is if I actually thought to bring my phone with me instead of leaving it at home like a live in the now type of person.

"Katherine, we drove here for 7 hours to what? A shut door? I want you to go up to that very door and demand to be seen by Ian himself." Lincoln exclaims, piecing together the last shred of hope that I have to redeeming this tethered friendship.

Thank the lord Lincoln is here with me.

"Ian I am not going anywhere, please open up the door." I beg.

The front door opens and a wave of relief rushes over me but it isn't Ian whom opens the front door, it is Ian's mother. After all of these years her face has never aged a day and her face looks exactly like Ian's handsome face. I can't help but appreciate Ian's face even more because of it.

"Katherine darling, what a wonderful surprise! Ian's in his bedroom sulking about something he wouldn't tell me. How are you? I love the new hair colour darling it looks beautiful on you. Oh, I'll get the kettle boiling and you can have a cup of your favourite coffee." Ian's mother excitedly exclaims as she takes in my appearance.

I smile at her before I notice that her eyes trail off to behind me. Her eyes didn't look at all shocked once they came into contact with Lincoln's typically serious appearance but has anyone literally ever have?

Ian's mother smiles warmly down at me as she exclaims excitedly to me, "oh, and your boyfriend can come in as well, Ian won't mine."

Instant embarrassment hits me as Ian's mother saunters back into the kitchen without saying another word about the matter. "He isn't my boyfriend though," I exclaim to her.

"That's what they all say darling." She shouts back, with a hint of her infamous charming comedic life laced within her tone of voice.

"I'm staying out here just so you know, I don't think that Ian even wants me here so it is best if I stay out here." Lincoln says as he leans on top of the bonnet of his car.

I acknowledge his decision with a nod before I turn back to climb up the stairs all the way up to Ian's bedroom. I choose not to knock on his bedroom door because I have never knocked on his bedroom door before and I choose to not do so now.

His attire is back to his original attire and not the 70's attire that I once saw on him outside.

"So... " I say, even though I can't think of anything good to start this conversation off with.

Oh, you know the boy whose football team takes a huge dislike on us because of a number of reasons is now my friend. Yeah, like there is even a good starting point for this conversation.

"I like what you did to your hair." Ian says breaking the awkward silence between us at that very moment.

"Thank you, Lincoln thought-" I say, stopping myself due to the fact that I'm talking about a boy on a football team, a football team that strongly dislikes Ian.

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