Twelve; I guess you could say my dream was a work in progress

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"3 years, you have been hiding this secret for 3 years?" My mother shouts causing my knees to nearly buckle as I stood in the kitchen wordless with Lincoln standing right beside me.

"Yes, but it shouldn't be a big deal. I didn't show you my account because everyone knows how you always get towards me and my dreams." I shout back with equally enough force.

"Oh? Is that so? I'm the bad guy for making sure that you don't end up as a stupid drunk living on the streets. Honey, dreams aren't meant to last forever because they will never be real." My mother shouts.

There are things that could be worse about this situation. My mother could have kicked me out of the house with nothing but my phone and the clothes on my back, which she has done once before and she could more than easily do it again. Especially since we are currently having this argument in particular. Out of all of the things that I should be concerned for, I should really be concerned for the knives that are dangerously close to my mother's vicinity.

"Just because your dreams to become an actress didn't work out well, you don't have to try and bring my dreams to be an author down as well!" I shout, making sure my voice bounced onto every single wall that was in my midst.

"Katherine Langford, tell me what are you going to do when and if your so called book is rejected? With only yourself, what are you going to do to survive as an author?" My mother shouts aggressively.

I bite the inside of my cheek as I tried to control the tears from spilling out of my eyes. Out of the corner of my eyes, I notice that Lincoln's eyes are directed onto my face. It was obvious that he was concerned for my safety, he has been ever since the football players ridiculed me and he was told to watch over me by my mother.

"I have in total, overall 900K reads accumulated from my third book, from different people all over the world. I know I can make it and if you aren't going to be there for me then well, I guess I will get there by myself." I say, through my bitter and heated tears.

I would risk my life to become an author. It's the only pathway that has given me hope and life. The only pathway that means something to me, losing it would be... well, I would be nothing without my imagination and words.

Pursing her lips together in a stern way my mother folds her arms together. "900K reads is not enough to give you food and provide you with a roof over your head. Katherine, pursuing a career in writing is deadly, think about it? Many writers have gone through tumultuous life experiences as they tried to become a writer. Do you really want to put yourself through all of that pain?"

Do I? I wasn't so sure if I wanted to or not. Decisions like these weren't as easy as everyone thought they would be. Well as easy as I thought they would be. Obviously I already thought about what my journey to my career as an author would be like, I would have to get a proper job. Even if I do have a proper job, I still have to remember that I could easily be rejected from any publishing house.

JK Rowling had to endure being rejected by 12 publishing companies before she was finally accepted by one and yet she never gave up.

I sigh as I begin to let my dream be pushed to the side at that very moment. My mother was right, did I really want to put myself through that pain? I don't think so.

"Maybe, Katherine could just try and send her novel to a publishing company, we have to put her out of her misery Mrs Langford. She will think ill of you otherwise." Lincoln suggests, causing me to smile and let go of my anger that I previously felt.

My mother purses her lips before sticking out her hand for me to shake. "Okay, I accept this offer but Katherine if you work on your writing during your school work time period I shall confiscate your laptop and account. Now run along, I need to do some errands."

As my mother walks out of the house with her car keys in hand and her black handbag slung over her shoulder, I race around the house in excitement. I ran over to the CD player and pressed play, the tunes of my favourite singer, Lady Gaga floods through the player and through my body. Whenever I was little and excited my mother would always play for me music to help me get rid of my energy. Oh how I yearn for those days shared specifically with my dearest mother.

"What are you doing?" Lincoln chuckles, as he watches me try and dance to the tunes of Lady Gaga.

Instead of answering his question I grab his hands and drag him around the living room. He catches on fast and we both let our bodies loose as my soul grows fonder for life and writing, everything. I steal a glance at Lincoln as he does the robot with an amused face plastered across his face. Oh, what in the world did I deserve to have this absolutely beautiful soul fly into my life.

"Is there something on my face?" Lincoln asks over the music as he catches my eyes staring intently at his face that the sun has lit up.

I shake my head and walk over to the CD player and turn it off. If my mother was even remotely serious for me to actually go through with publishing my novel about Ian then I should really start on editing my novel.

"So... about that creative break? You really didn't give me a solution for it."

"Oh, Um, here. Just read this list and when you finish this list I have another... I have an endless supply of these lists." Lincoln states as he hands me a list that is written on a page of notepad with his big and rushed handwriting.

Opening the list I let out a big smile.

Creative break list:

1. Do something naked daily. Eg; cooking while naked. Also try not to get arrested.
2. Talk out your problems with Lincoln and Ian.
3. Go outside wearing boys clothing.
4. Write a message in a bottle and throw it into the ocean.
5. Break something, but try not to break anything of value to anyone.
6. Take a road trip with no one in particular.
7. Make art.
8. Start a journal.
9. Print your photos.
10. Redecorate your bedroom to transition from your innocence to your adultery years.
11. Do something alone.
12. Sing in public. I have heard your voice, don't deny that you can't sing Langford.
13. Write down one of your secrets that nobody knows, even though I know plenty of your secrets.
14. Revamp your look, I know you already have done this with your hair but extremely revamping your look.

"Thank you Lincoln, this list is hilarious and I will love to put these activities to use next time I fall into a writer's block funk." I exclaim excitedly hugging Lincoln in the process and almost choking him.

"Or you could just put them to the test for any time you have a struggle or fear staring you straight in the face." Lincoln says nonchalantly.

"I will, thank you. Now you better help me run lines for my audition tomorrow because I haven't got any time to lose to do so." I say, causing him to groan.

He obviously hates Shakespeare, I thought as I climb up the stairs two at a time. I desperately wanted for my audition for the role of Hamlet to be the one that stands out in the judges heads.

I needed this role more than I want for my dream to be an author to come true, and that says a lot when it comes to me and my endeavours. There is the fact that I wanted to shut all of the males in my Drama class up because I will be playing the role of Hamlet but that's only part of my reasoning.

I smile wildly as I grab my copy of Shakespeare's play, Hamlet.

"And thus it begins." I say, making Lincoln roll his eyes at me because of his loathing for the performing arts.

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