Fifteen; In the darkest night I saw him break

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Lincoln's POV:

Red is all I see as I continue to pick up the shards of glass from underneath my feet. The voices of my parents continue to boom through the wall and into the room that I was residing in.

"He can't leave this house he is my baby!" I distinctly hear my mother's voice cry out in agony as the tears fall down my cheeks like rain on a sunny day.

"He can, Lincoln doesn't need us he can take care of himself like he obviously does with his dreams and that chick he is constantly talking about! She is probably the one who told him to quit football, bloody feminists always needing to have control."

"Don't you dare talk about my son like that! He, unlike you, has enough drive and kindness in his heart to take care of himself!"

I head into the bathroom and immediately wash the blood off of my hands. The noises intensify as I stare into the bathroom mirror. With a loud thud the door swings open and my father's hurricane angered face launches at me, just like in my nightmares. Although this was now real, all too real. Placing my hands over my ears I tried to block out the cruel words that my father is practically shouting into my face.

Grabbing me by my arm he pulls me out of the bathroom and throws me into my bedroom. "I want you to pack your bags Lincoln, I won't deal with a defiant and ill mannered child like you, not underneath my roof!"

The words spit out at me like fire on ice. The tears drop down my face as I hurriedly throw all of my personal items into one of my empty duffel bags.

After all these years, after all of the obstacles with my demons, this very moment was what my father's and I's relationship was going to end as. A part of me just wants to leave and never come back but there was the stronger and warrior side of me that yearns desperately to salvage this tumultuous relationship.

Dropping my duffel bag I walk over to my bedroom door and quickly walk downstairs. There was a deathly silence that series through my bones and sent a chill down my spine. This wasn't normally how the arguments about my future endeavours between my father and I ended up like. It usually ended with the sounds of dishes smashing, it is a wonder how we still have any dishes.

The silence was broken as I hear my mother crying and sitting in the dark with a streak of light coming from the moon.

"He's gone... he said it would be better if he just left." My mother manages to utter through her cries.

Walking over to her side I hug her tightly into my arms. I could see the bright colours from my eyes fade and become a dull blue filter. Even though I've heard these same words after every single argument, half of me had hope for him to come back.

But sometimes you shouldn't have hope in others because they might let you down.


Katherine's POV:

Laying in the printed screenshots that were posted and later deleted because of Lincoln's input, I let the words slowly engrave into my skin. My friends thought that I was going absolutely insane printing these hate comments out but Lincoln said that these words will make me become stronger. At the time I wasn't entirely sure if printing out the hate comments will help me but now it has.

Grabbing my writing book and my nearly empty blue biro pen I hurriedly jot down all of my ideas and thoughts. I grew hungrily a I stare down at my full scribbled piece of my paper.

"Pumpkin! Lights out, also please keep it down we now have two guests staying with us."

I nod my head and continue to write everything that I was going to do to revamp my book about Ian. As I do this I don't notice the shadowy figure that walks into my bedroom and turns off my lamp.

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