If I'm a Werewolf Princess, why are Vampires making my life difficult?

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Ok. I picture "Mommy" looking like Victoria Justice just more mature.


"Mommy? Daddy? Where are you? It's dark and I'm scarred. Mommy? Daddy?" I repeat this over and over again while running through the halls. I start to say it again until I hear that piercing high pitched scream. "Mommy," I yell, "What's going on!?" I wonder as I pick up my pace. "Mommy!!" Finally I found her. "Mommy!" 

"Run my love! Run and never look back," she said. 

"But I don't want to leave you Mommy! What's going on? Why are people screaming? Mommy what happened to your arm," I asked. She was bleeding. It was thick and I could see steam rising from it. 

"My sweetheart, You may not see mommy for a long time but I want you to take this," she said. She handed me a necklace. It was so familiar. Where have I seen it before? 

"Mommy, why are you giving this to me now? Is this my birthday present," I ask. My birthday was tomorrow. I would be turning five. 

"Yes my prince. My love, you must never lose this. Never take it off," she said while putting it on me. "Run away and never look back. People will scream but you must ignore them and keep running. Head for the village. Don't stop until you reach Town Central. Don't stop even for me. Go now," she screamed. 

"Ok Mommy but when will you come get me," I asked. 

She smiled at me and said, "As soon as I can my child. As soon as I can." She embraced me in a loving hug. Suddenly it was interrupted when a louder scream was yelled. "They are close," she screamed, "Run Now! Go!"

With my mother's urgency propelling me I ran as fast as I could. I ran through the cries and tears. I trampled over paths of blood that were everywhere. I ran through the bodies of people with various looks of terrifying fear on their faces.  I ran and I ran. I didn't want to stop until I reached Town Central but then I heard a man's voice. A voice I recognized saying, "Behold the King! The wretched! The deceiver! Behold the one who has brought the death of others and has told endless lies to his followers! Behold his final moments on earth." 

"Please stop!", the man lying on the ground said. "It is I who should rule and you know this! You will throw off the balance that Nature intended!" 

"Silence! I have heard enough of you!", the man holding the silver dagger said, "You have seen the end, now die!"

The sword came down on the man but before he was killed, the man on the ground looked at me. His eyes pierced my heart. Where did I know him from? How could this be? Did I know him? Suddenly In my mind I heard him say, "Run and Never look back." I did not falter. I didn't attract attention to myself, I continued to weave through the scurrying bodies attempting to survive and then I approached roaring flames that looked like they could consume everything and everyone and still have room for more. In the same moment I heard the piercing, echoing scream of the person I referred to as Mommy.

"Ahhhhh!!!" I woke up startled again. Sweat all over my face causing my dark hair to stick to my pale face. My mother looked in and said-

"Was it the dream again?"



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If I'm a Werewolf Princess, why are Vampires making my life so difficult?Where stories live. Discover now