Ch. 12If I'm a Werewolf Princess, why are Vampires making my life so difficult?

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Primula is Camilla "Milly" Rosso. That's one of the blond twins from sweet life of Zach and Cody just fyi. Her pic is in the side.


Keiko's POV

What's going on? Where am I? OMG! This isn't my room! I look around and see Amanda sleeping. Oh Ancestors! Ok calm down...what happened? Three vampire men cam to my father, the miyako werewolves king, asking for me to come to their palace. It was also to celebrate there King's son's 15th 3 month birthday celebration. Ok. Isaiah...Isaiah is my friend. I like him a bit but I'm engaged to Edmund who I absolutely don't love. I'm only marrying him because I don't have an imprint. Great. Um...Amanda's boyfriend...Oh! Amanda's fiancé is Ethan. I don't talk to him much but he's pretty popular with the guys so I'll leave that alone. Oh and Claire. Claire doesn't like me for some reason and since she doesn't neither do her two twin cousins Primula and Percy. Something about happiness...I don't know. It's too early for this. I look over at my clock and Dang! It's 4:15! It's probably because I didn't hang my dream catcher up last night. Oh well. Let me try to get dressed with out waking Amanda. I get up and tip toe to the other side of the room. I open the closet and see a nice blue mid thigh dress. I decide to wear that because it'll cover up my thigh knife strap. I always keep it on me. I also take out the gloves my father gave me to keep my wolf form in check. Am I forgetting something? Oh! Shoes! Let's see...the man said to wear something with a heel when I go to classes so...I'll wear my blue wedged shoes. I jumped in the shower, brushed my teeth and all that stuff, and then got dressed. I bathe myself every morning and night. I'm not dirty in the morning but it helps wake me up. The dress fit snugly and I modeled a bit in the mirror. I put my hair in pony tail, made sure my thigh knife was tight and secure in its holder, and walked out of the bedroom. 4:45. Ok. I made my bed and then continued to unpack clothes. Dee started to whimper in her bed and made her way over to me. She just sat by my leg with her tail wagging.

(keiko) "Dee. Since you're magical, can you put this stuff up?" There's no way she can do tha-OMG! The clothes are moving! The-they are folding themselves and hanging themselves and putting themselves in order and all that! I stared at Dee. She looked as if she does this sort of thing everyday. "Dee! Why didn't you tell me you could do that!?" Dee just looked at me like. "You never asked. Now pick me up!" I sighed and picked her up. When I tickled her stomach, she acted just like a baby. She squirmed and started to yap.

(keiko) "Shhhshh! You're gonna wake Amanda up!"

"I'm already up! Dang! Who in their right mind wakes up this early! AGH!" Ok. Amanda is so not a morning person because things started flying off the wall and hovered above her head.

(keiko) "Amanda! You're gonna have us killed! Please stop!" Slowly her pupils started to change. I noticed that they started getting larger. More normal sized. Then she collapsed on her bed. The stuff that was flying around her went back to there places. I looked at Dee and for once Dee looked expressionless. I decide I would walk around the palace so that I don't wake her up again. The palace is huge. It's not confusing but it's got so much space. The hallways are ridiculously wide and the hall seems to go on for miles. I'm not lost because I haven't turned yet. We walked to the sports area and I put Dee down. She walked like a royal until she saw something expensive. You know how normal dogs will chase cats? Dee will chase expensive things. Spoiled animal. It was some new watch but unfortunately it was attached to someone's arm. Dee snarled at the innocent so viciously that he just handed it over to her and backed away. I don't blame him. Dee can look very scary when she see's something she wants on someone else. I scooped her up and gave the watch back to the innocent.

(keiko) "Here you go. I am so sorry! She's just a pup." Then Dee drove her claws into my skin. "Oww! I'm sorry Dee. May I ask who you are?" Then I got a full look at the person in front of me.

If I'm a Werewolf Princess, why are Vampires making my life so difficult?Where stories live. Discover now