Ch. 23 If I'm a Werewolf Princess, why are Vampire's making my life so difficult?

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Keiko's POV

Today is Thursday and we are in the end of the day lecture class. I was sitting next to Amanda while Dee was up front flirting with some random guys. She says she never had the chance to experiment with human socializing. I have a few other words that come to mind but I don't think they are very lady like. "So what do you think the theme will be," Amanda asked. "I'm not sure. It'll probably be something weird," I replied. "Probably but I think I'm getting goose bumps." Then Claire, Percy, Primula, and Ethan walked in together. I've noticed that Ethan's been hanging with them a lot but I haven't said anything about it. Whatever's going on between them, I don't want to get in the middle of. Claire walked past me but Percy stopped. "Hey Keiko. Do you mind if I sit next to you," he asked. "Uh....No of course not. Here," I said and he sat down. "Your aura seems different today," he said. "Really? How can you tell?" "I just can. So what's bothering you?" "Girl stuff. You wouldn't understand," I replied but then he turned towards me. "I have Rimu remember?" I started to giggle. "True but it's about a friend." He started to open his mouth. "A friend completely different than Claire," I replied and he closed his mouth. I started to laugh. "Shush! He's coming." Mr. Henry walked in.

"Hello everyone," he said. "Hello Mr. Henry," we all replied. "Well I guess we shall get right to business. This week's theme is blue and white. Your whole outfit must be blue and/or white. Understand?" "Yes Sir," we all replied. "Well then lecture is dismissed. Dinner will be in 5 hours. You may now go into town and shop or do whatever you need to in order to prepare," he said and then he walked out. " and white. Not true Vamp colors but I guess it could be fun," Percy said. "I guess. What do you think you'll wear?" "Probably a white suit and blue shirt. It just depends on Rimu's dress. But she may want to match more with Ethan," he said. I looked over at Amanda but she looked unaffected. "Can I talk to you for a minute," I asked Ethan. "Sure." I looked towards Amanda. "Amanda I'll be in the room in about 30 minutes. Get dressed without me. I don't think I'll be late for it but-" Amanda cut me off by saying, "Ok. I've got it." Then she walked away. "What's wrong with her," Percy asked. I just sighed and he escorted me out of the room. We started to walk down the halls.

"So what did you want to talk about," he asked. I took a deep breath. "What's going on between Primula and Ethan," I asked. "Oh that? I think they're together. I think. Rimu's never 'together' with a person. At least she better not be." "What do you mean," I asked. "I mean nothing more than kissing should be going on." I started to laugh. "Such a protective brother aren't we?" "Of course. If I wasn't there she would be a bigger and more threatening person than Claire," he said which caused us both to laugh. When we both calmed down I said, "But do you know how they got together? I mean I thought Ethan and Amanda were....together." I wasn't sure if everyone knew they were engaged. I mean everyone doesn't know I'm engaged so... "Well I heard some people talking about trying to get Ethan and Amanda engaged to each other but I guess that's out of the question now. Rimu said that they just clicked and blah blah blah," he said. I raised my eyebrows. "Not adult blah blah blah just more like they talked and started to do things together." I relaxed. "Ok. Amanda just seems...different," I said. "I guess she would be since her father wanted them together," he said. "I guess your right." Then I excused myself and headed towards my room.

I walked into our room and found Amanda staring at a picture. "Amanda," I asked which caused her to jump. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to scare you," I said. "'s fine," she said and then she put the picture away. "Are you ok," I asked. "Never better." I stared at her. What am I missing? I walked around her and made my way to my dresser. I pulled out a leather dress and some shoes that came up to my ankles. I put my hair in a bun and secured it. Then Dee came in giggling. "What's so funny," I asked. "Oh nothing you would understand," she said. I just shrugged. "You know Dee, you can't be a little flirt." "Oh yeah!? Why's that so bad? I'm having fun." "Yeah but Dee you might hurt a nice guy's feelings." "I guess that's true but its fun." I sighed. "Fine but just don't do anything I wouldn't approve of." "Ugh. Ok," she replied and started to get ready. She was wearing a sleeveless pink shirt with some shorts. "What's that," I asked. "They call it a Tank Top. Isn't it cute!?"

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