Chapter 9: Choices and Boggarts

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---- Scenes involving discussion of abuse ----

The next morning, Zara and Valerie walked to potions together, she didn't mention what happened with Draco, Valerie still didn't know where she standed with him, but she tried not to get her hopes up as she hated the feeling of dissapointment. As they walked into the classroom, Valerie took her seat next to Draco and they started their Potion as usual, it surprisingly wasn't as awkward as she expected, they chatted away as normal. But didn't mention their kiss last night, if anything Draco was keeping Valerie at an arms length, Valerie took this as a sign of regret, she didn't want to act any different towards Draco though, as she did value his friendship.

Class went on for the usual duration of time, and Valerie and Malfoy went their seperate ways for the majority of the day, however they crossed paths after Valeries transfiguration lesson, she was walking on her own, as was Draco. He quickly caught up to Valerie and said in a low tone, "You look gorgeous today." before walking on, Valerie felt her cheeks redden as she walked to her lesson with Hagrid, it was Care of Magical Creatures, which Valerie and Mason were very excited about as they both loved animals, Ron and Harry however, seemed to have their minds somewhere else, it wasn't untill they arrived when they learn't they were with a mix of all the houses. Valerie recognised a girl named Susan Bones, who was sorted before her on their first day. Amongst the Slytherins she recognised Draco with his friends Crabbe and Goyle. As Valerie walked past them she felt Crabbe trip her up. Valerie fell to floor with a thump.

"Don't mind me, thought I'de add some more ugly marks to your face, Mud-blood." He said, as the Slytherins laugh, shockingly this included Draco, Valerie knew Draco didn't want to be seen being nice to her, but his laugh seemed so genuine that it caused a lump in her throat.

"Don't look at her Draco, your pure-blood eyes shouldn't even look at such ugly scum." Said a girl with greasy black hair, Valerie knew this girl to be Pansy Parkinson. Who fancied Draco herself, Valerie picked herself up, and for the second time since her start at school, decided to stand up for herself.

"Ever heard of shampoo Pansy? Or were you too busy obsessing over Draco to consider your own hygeine?" Valerie replied, almost with an intimidating tone. The arguement started to gather a croud as Hagrid hadn't turned up to class yet.

"Are you going to let that Mud-Blood talk to me like that Dracey?" Said Pansy whilst stoking Draco's arm

"Yeah, Are you?" Questioned Valerie, as if this was Draco's choice in who he would rather spend his time with, although no one knew about Draco and Valeries kiss. Valerie was making it clear to Draco that if he chose Pansy over her, then they would go their seperate ways.

"Ofcourse not, Move along Bruisey, we don't want to see that face of yours." Draco said, almost as if he didn't mean what he was saying, Valerie didn't care though, she knew now how Draco actually felt about her, he must like Pansy and that kiss must've meant nothing to him.

"Fine. Malfoy." Said Valerie in the most cold tone Draco had ever heard her speak, she was usually very warm and kind, but this was different, Draco also knew she must've been really angry at him to call him by his last name, which Valerie hardley ever did. As Valerie turned around to walk away she felt Pansy push her back down, face first into the mud and gravel.

"Oopsies. Didnt see you there." Pansy laughed, Valerie didn't admit how much pain she were in, it became very obvious that Valerie's face was bleeding, along with her leg and ear. It just so happened that as this moment Hagrid, and none other than Professor McGonagall turned up, looking for Hermione.

"Oh my goodness! What happened!" Cried McGonagall helping Valerie up, it took no more than ten seconds for several students to fill her in on what just happened. Pansy was ordered to the dungeons, where Valerie was advised to go to the hospital wing, with the help of Mason. Mason had always been very kind to Valerie, they werent very close, but they were in the same house. Valerie always liked his brown scruffy hair, but she was fairly certain that Zara fancied him, so she never took the time to get to know Mason on a deep, personal level.

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