Chapter 13: Rivalry and Sparks

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It was now Valerie's fourth year at hogwarts. The routine to boarding the train became less and less nerve-racking as the years went by, she boarded the train as she bumped into Hermione who said their compartment was at the very end of the train. As Valerie walked towards the compartment she got pulled into another one, by none other than Draco Malfoy. He pulled her into an empty compartment and shut the curtain almost immediately.

"Oh i've missed you" Grinned Draco who threw Valerie into a passionate kiss, they pushed back into the wall as they started to make out. They hadn't seen eachother all summer. Although Draco did send occasional notes saying how he missed her, Valerie knew his father wouldn't approve of their relationship as Valerie was muggle raised, but Half-Blood which she recently learned and not a Slytherin, but she tried not to think about it much as she knew it would upset her. After about ten minutes of intense kissing Draco said goodbye as he left for his Slytherin compartment, watching Valerie as she walked away to hers.

"Soooo Seen Draco yet?" Asked Zara, clearly wanting know the details of their relationship, Zara was very trustworthy and one of Valerie's bestfriends, but Valerie wasn't much of a gossip, and untill her and Draco's relationship were to be out in the open, Valerie thought it best not to go on about it.

"Shut up Z" Responded Valerie in a jokingly way, Harry, Hermione and Ron later joined their compartment with loads of sweets from the trolley, as they talked about their summers like they normally did. They turned up to the castle as usual and watched the sorting before tucking into a feast, Harry and Draco were seen arguing outside the Grand Hall, this made Valerie uncomfortable as she got on very well with Harry, but loved Draco, so even though they didn't like eachother Valerie would try to stay impartical. Normally Draco and Harry disliked eachother, but never had massive arguements, but they did this time. Valerie overheared Harry saying he hated Draco and always would. Valerie tried to shrug this off, and payed attention to Dumbledore's speech about the TriWizard Torniment, which would be taking place at Hogwarts. He went though the age-restrictions and consequences of competitng. Valerie didn't know anybody old enough to enter, so she didn't really care about the rules, although the idea of the torniment did sound fun. Valerie was normally very Dreamy and she didn't even notice the Beauxbatons and Durmstang's join into the Grand Hall, even though the Beautbatons were on her own table. Valerie really did go into her own world a lot. Once she had snapped out of it she said slightly too loud, "Jheeze when did these guys turn up?" This was met with many chuckles, even from Professor Snape, and a couple of Durmstangs, who did look very intimidating.

As dinner came to a close, Valerie walked back to the common rooms with Harry and Ron, Hermione took off, sounding very upset about house-elfs, whatever that meant. And Zara had to go to the library to get some last minute books for their animal creatures study. Harry was rambling on about Draco starting on him for no reason, Harry went on to explain how they would always be rivals. Where as Rons mind was worrying about how his older twin brothers were going to try and enter the torniment, despite being too young. As Valerie said her goodbyes, she decided to go straight up to her dormatory, travelling always made her tired and miserable. All Valerie wanted to do was curl up in bed, with her cat Mittens and go to sleep. She reached the door to the Ravenclaw common room, and answered the riddle very quickly, she had always been good at riddles.

If I have it, I don't share it, If I share it, I don't have it.

What Am I?

"A secret." Replied Valerie, rubbing her eyes trying to stay awake, she fell onto her dormitory couch and went straight to sleep. In the night she felt Mason pick her up, carrying her to bed, she woke up, but didn't open her eyes as she didn't want to embarrass him

"Such a pretty sleeper" He muttered, before kissing her forehead. Valerie felt butterflies grow in her stomach, she was beginning to fancy Mason more and more, but not in the same way as Draco, even though Mason has always been so much kinder, and her friends loved him. Valerie stirred and rolled over, shoving the thoughts from her mind, to help herself go to sleep.

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