Chapter 1: First sight

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It was Valerie Clarkson's first day at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She was very nervous as she was an only child, neither her parents were what they called 'Wizards'. Valerie was a very pretty girl, she had always been self conscious about a large birthmark or her far right cheek, it looked like a chocolate stain, it didn't raise above the skin, nor was it bumpy or rough. But none the less, she hated it. But usually her Long Brown curly hair would cover it. As Valerie entered the platform to The Hogwarts Express, Her nerves increased, she was always a smart girl, but very shy, not to mention very clumsy. And her Mother who was amazed by everything she saw wasn't helping. She grew up with her mum and her dad, until she was 8, her father was abusive, towards her and her mother. Valerie always thought this is what created her to be so shy and introverted, as she had true horror in her past. Her father was finally banned from seeing her once she turned 8, and she never saw him again. She loved her mum, and always kept her vivid, brutal past behind her, but this didn't mean her mum couldn't be embarrassing, which she was. But then again, most parents can be. Valerie waved goodbye to her mum and boarded the big, red train.

As she walked down the carriage, Valerie looked for empty compartments, she didn't want to interrupt anybody else and she wouldn't mind spending the time on her own. However, as she looked around for empty compartments she tripped over what seemed to be someone else's shoe. Valerie fell to the floor along with a boy with bright blond hair, he stood up and shot around. Valerie stared up at his blue eyes, they were so distinct and mesmerising, and so bright. It was a big contrast to his pale skin, at first sight she automatically felt very intimidated.

"Watch where you going... Bruisey!' Sniggered the boy. The bruise comment was a clear snap at her birthmark, this hurt Valerie's feelings but she didn't want to make it obvious how hurt she was.

"I'm sorry, I.. I didn't mean too, excuse me." Valerie quickly spoke as she darted through the group of boys, she was fairly certain that whilst they were laughing at her, that she overhead one of the boys call him 'Draco'. As Valerie found an empty compartment she rushed into it, she had felt very embarrassed and even more self-conscious after Draco had picked on her. Just as the train started to move a young girl entered her carriage and asked to sit with her. She introduced herself as Hermione Granger, and explained how she was also Muggle-Born like Valerie.

Hermione spent the rest of the journey explaining how Hogwarts worked, the different houses and the sorting hat ceremony, Valerie was very excited, but also very nervous. As they reached the platform, a big man led the first years across a lake by boat, it was a stunning view, but Valerie hated to admit she was very cold, and would rather be inside the Grand Hall about to eat some food. She had forgotten about the sorting hat, which she was very nervous for mainly because she would hate to be sorted in front of that many people. On the boat journey, her and Hermione made some new friends called Harry, Ron and Neville. They all seemed very nice and kind, which Valerie appreciated as she was a very submissive person, most of the time anyways.

And so it was time, the first years reached the Grand Hall and were told by a women named Professor McGonagall, how the sorting hat would work. One by one the students were put into their houses, she watched almost all of her new friends be sorted into Gryffndor. Valerie knew she wouldn't be in that house, she wasn't brave enough. Five minutes went on, and as other students were being sorted into their houses, all of a sudden Valerie heard a familiar name be called.

"Draco Malfoy" Called Professor McGonagall, Valerie glared up at him to see if this was the boy who was mean to her on the train. And it was. Draco took his place on the chair and glared straight into Valerie's eyes, with an almost evil look, Valerie quickly darted her eyes away as this intimidated her. Draco was quickly sorted into Slytherin, which Valerie had heard bad things about from the other students. But she didn't like to judge. Finally Valerie's name was called.

"Valerie Clarkson" Called the women, as Valerie walked up to the stool she felt very nervous, she had hundreds of eyes watching here, including all her friends, and Draco. The hat quickly called out 'Ravenclaw'. Which pleased Valerie, for she was immensely intelligent and creative, and as she walked to their table, she found a sense of relief because everyone seemed happy to have her sit with them, she sat next to a girl named Zara and a boy called Mason. She soon felt that maybe this school wouldn't be to awful, and that maybe she wouldn't have to worry about Draco anymore, atleast she isn't in his house.

But something about Draco made Valerie think that she was wrong, and she would be seeing much more of him. Whether she liked it or not.

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