Chapter 14: Arguements and Making a move

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It was their first potions lesson since they came back to Hogwarts, Valerie was very excited as she loved spending time with Draco without it being suspisious as to why they were so talkative. They have a black desk at the back of the class meaning they could talk quietly and professor snape wouldnt hear. They also helped eachother with all their work and spent most of the lesson flirting. As Valerie took her seat, Draco soon turned up after her, sitting closely next to her.

"You look beautiful as ever." whispered Draco into Valeries ear, whenever Draco whispered like this, it always sent shivers down Valeries spine, Draco just had this effect on Valerie, not that she was complaining though, she loved it when Draco was romantic and passionate. Not many people saw this side of Draco, and Valerie was very glad that she did.

The lesson assignment was set, they had to make a small vile of potion of their choosing, and write the instructions on how to make it. As Valerie was writing the instructions down she felt a hand land on her thigh. She obviously knew this was Draco, but she didn't want to make it seem like a big deal. His hand remained their for the rest of the lesson, just gently grazing Valeries thigh up and down. As the lesson came to an end, everyone packed their things and Valerie felt Draco pinch her bum on the way out. Valerie hated to admit that she loved this side of Draco.

As Valerie made her way to Transfiguration a few days later, word got out that Harry's name somehow wound up into the Goblet of Fire, Valerie and Harry were quite good friends, so undoubtfully Valerie became very worried for his safety. As Valerie walked down the corridor she saw several students wearing 'Potter Stinks' badges. When all of a sudden, Hermione caught up to her.

"Can you believe Draco? Making these badges about Harry, he says he didn't put his name in the Goblet. But no one, not even Ron will talk to him, they all say he's a liar. He has no one anymore. I feel bad for him, but I want to be friends with everybody. Anyways I have to go, I'll see you at dinner." Hermione quickly said, Valerie couldn't be surprised at a Slytherin making these badges, that seemed obvious to her, but she was a little dissapointed that Draco was behind it. But his rivalry with Harry was none of her buisness, so she chose not to say anything to him when they met up at the library that night.

A couple days later a very flustered and lonely Harry was walking across the gardens when Valerie bumped into him.

"Heading to Hagrids? I'll come with you, and by the way Harry. I believe you." Valerie said in a re-assuring tone, Harry looked like he needed the support, he looked as though he hadn't slept in days. Harry seemed grateful to have someone believe him, he soon stopped in his tracks and turned to Valarie.

"Val, I'm going to be honest, your smart, you can help. The first challenge is dragons, don't ask me how I know, but I don't know what to do, I thought maybe I could use a broom, but your not aloud to bring it with you, you're only aloud a wand. I don't know what to do, I can't do this." Harry spoke, a clear worry in his voice, Valarie stared at him for a minute, then leaped up as if a lightblub just went off in her head,

"Accio Broom, Harry. Just because you can't bring a broom in with you, doesn't mean you cant summone it. Use the Accio spell, you'll be fine, I promise." Reassured Valarie, she knew how good at flying Harry was, so it made sense if he used his strength to beat the dragon challenge.

"Thankyou Val, You're a genuis!" exclaimed Harry, pulling Valerie into a hug, "I'm really sorry, I have to go and practice using that spell, I'll see you around Val!" Harry continued as he ran back into the building.

A week later and the dragon challenge came about, everyone watched in anticipation as Harry used the Accio spell to summon his broom, to get the golden egg from the Hungarian Horntail, the most intimidating of the Dragons from the task.

"Yes!" Ron roared as Harry snatched the golden egg.

"So you two are friends again?" Valerie asked with sincerity, she hated to see them argue, Ron was his best friend, and in times like this Valerie really wanted them to re-kindle their friendship. Ron nodded as he ran down to the tent with Hermione to go and congradulate Harry. Valerie followed them and gave Harry a quick hug, before heading back to the school grounds. She thought she would go up to her favourite spot of the school. Near the Owlrey, where the veiw was astonishing. She sat there on her own for awhile, admiring her surrounding, feeling so at peace with herself, she even considered resting her eyes as the wind blew through her hair, when all of sudden.

"Why would you help him?" Shouted Draco from behind her. "Why would you WANT to help. He's a waste of space Valerie. How could you do that?" He roaded, Valerie didn't like to admit Draco intimidated her when he was angry. Valerie knew this was from her childhood, men being intimidating affected Valerie a lot. She hated it when he shouted, but she would stand up for herself if she had too.

"Because he lost all of his friends Draco! Because of those Badges YOU made, I tried to stay impartial to your dislikement of eachother, but I couldn't not help him. I'm not like that Draco, and you know I'm not." Replied Valerie, she tried to stay calm, but noticed her voice raised slightly. Draco could be quite inconsiderate sometimes, Valerie always saw the best in Draco though, but when he acted like this, it deeply upset her.

"I saw him hugging you, what so you fancy him now?" Draco shouted, he was the jealous type. This didn't upset Valerie, infact she quite liked the protective side of him. "You know what.. Clarkson, Just take your ugly, bruised face somewhere else." Draco Said in an angry yet upset tone. It didn't hit Draco that he just used Valerie's birthmark in a derogitory way, untill he looked up and saw her face. Truth be told, he loved her birthmark, it made her special, infact he thought it was kind of cute. Draco looked up to see Valerie covering her birthmark with her face, with her eyes filling with tears, she hated it when he used her birthmark in arguements, when he joked about it, it was different. But when he used it to purposley pick on her appearance, it felt like a bullet through the heart.

"Babe... I'm, I didn't mean too.." Draco started, raising a hand to her face, trying to stroke it, which Valerie usually loved, but this time Valerie flinched, as if she thought he would hit her, she then shook her head stormed past him and straight to the ravenclaw common room.

"You know... Malfoy, keep treating girls like shit, because there's boys who would treat me 10 times better than you do." Valerie said, in her cold, stern voice that she had only used on very rare occasions, usually when she was really hurt. She was shaking with emotion as she answered the riddle, the door flung open and slammed behind her. She spent the night crying into her pillow, wishing that she never had the stupid, ugly birthmark.

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