Chapter 5: Mud-Blood

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As Valerie walked onto the Hogwarts express, a sense of relief flew over her. She had such a boring summer without her friends, although she did have many sleepovers with Hermione as her parents were also muggles, they had became best friends. As Valerie walked down the carriage, looking for Hermione who said she had found an empty compartment for them, Valerie felt a hand on her back, she flinched a tad only to recognise Draco's voice behind her, who said in a low voice "Walk faster Bruisey, hate for you to trip again". Valerie nudged Draco behind her as they both chuckled and went their seperate paths, eventually Valerie reached Hermione's compartment and went in.

"Valerie! I just heard that Seamus fancies you!!" Said Hermione in a very exciting tone, as if this was the best news she's ever heard. "He isn't afraid to say it either! He told Harry himself! The whole year knows and school hasn't even started yet! Rumour is you like im too!!" Continued Hermione and Valerie sat down infront of her.

"WHAT! I don't fancy Seamus! He's lovely but I... I fancy Draco.." Said Valerie, almost under her breath, knowing that Hermione didn't like Draco very much, but she was Valeries best friend, so Valerie had to be honest with her. Hermione looked shocked, but understanding, she knew her and Draco had been through a lot, with Valerie almost dying and all. Hermione and Valerie continued the journey by chatting away about their summers since they had last seen eachother. Only to be greeted by Zara, Mason, Harry, Ron and Neville later on. After they had arrived at Hogwarts they sat through the sorting ceremony and went their seperate ways for the evening.

In the morning on the way potions, Valarie was very excited to see Draco again, and Hermione was mostly worried about Harry, she told Valerie he had heard voices before they found Filch's cat. Valerie was a very straight-thinking person, and tried not to worry about Mrs Norris being petrified, even if she was worried deep down. As they walked into the potions class Draco didn't speak to Valarie for the majority of the class, expect for when he asked for spare parchment. He seemed to be angry or upset about something, but Valerie didn't mention anything untill towards the end of class.

"Are you alright Mousey?" Valerie asked, the nicknames had become the usual thing by now, they never called eachother by anything else.

"Don't call me that." Snapped Draco as he left the classroom. Even though class was over, it wasn't like him to walk away from Valerie. This left Valerie very confused, especially because he called her 'Bruisey' earlier, and he never usually minded the nicknames.

At break, Valerie joined Hermione who told her that Harry told Seamus you didn't fancy him, they both then met with Zara and the rest of their group of friends in the gardens. It was a beautiful day and most of the school spent their free time outside. Everything was swell untill a Slytherin student decided to fall into Valerie, making her fall over and items fall out of her bag. Seamus rushed to help pick up her things along with Harry. This was very kind of them, especially because Seamus was told earlier by Harry that Valerie only liked him as a friend, Valerie was suprised that he wasn't bothered by it and continued being her friend. And she turned around to see who pushed her, She notice it was none other than Draco Malfoy.

"Thanks for that, you know that hurt right?" Asked Valerie, who still didn't understand why Draco was being so cruel to her. This hurt her very much, but she tried to hide it.

"Don't talk back to me, you bruised, ugly faced, worthless mud-blood." Draco spat, his friends all burst out laughing around him. He almost seemed guilty as soon as these words left his mouth. This shook Valerie, his words hurt so much more this time because not only did she fancy him, but they had developed a friendship. Valerie hadn't done anything wrong Draco, they were fine on the train. But now it was like they were strangers.

"Mud-Blood? How dare you!" Cried Ron, Valerie didn't move, she was still in shock after his cruel words, she felt herself begin to tear up. She picked up her things then pushed past Draco crying. Valerie knew Draco saw her cry, but she didn't care. She felt crushed. She stormed into the closest bathroom she could find. Only to be accompanied by Moaning Myrtle who, for whatever reason was crying as normal. Valerie spent a couple of minutes crying along with Myrtle, before looking into the mirror to clean up. Only to be met with large yellow eyes. Then everything went black.

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