Chapter 16: Becomming official and saying goodbyes

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After the lake incident, everyone more or less knew that Valerie and Draco had become a couple. Pansy decided this was her oppurtunity to spread rumours that Draco cheated on Valerie with her several times. However, Valerie was smart enough to know that that wasn't true. After a few days in the hospital wing, Valerie was released and told to take it easy for a couple of days. Valerie started to wonder if the hospital wing would become her second home, considering she spent so much time there.

It was Valeries first dinner since she had been out of the hospital, and she walked in to find everyone talking about what the last task would be, some speculated a maze, others speculated a logic based test. Valerie quickly ate some dinner and decided to go to the library to catch up on her potions work which she had missed, Zara joined her for this and they had a good catch up as they hadn't spent to much time together recently.

The following week, word got out about the final task. After a long debate with herself, Valerie decided not to attend, her anxiety had been acting up a lot more since end of year tests were right around the corner, and especially after the lake, she became more jumpy and unsure of her surroundings, ofcourse all of her friends understood this and were very helpful, and Harry understood why she wouldn't be coming, and he didn't mind. Valerie found it best to spend the time in the library, trying not to worry to much. She started to wonder whether worrying could a talent, because Valerie was sure good at it. The morning before the final task, Valerie said goodluck to Harry and the rest of the champions as they left the building, Valerie quickly felt someone hug her from behind.

"I heard you decided to stay behind, can I stay with you?" Said Draco as he hugged her affectionatly, he then spen her around and landed a small kiss on her lips.

"Of course you can, but you can go out if you want. I was just going to go to the library or something." Valerie replied, kissing Draco herself afterwards.

"No, I want to stay with you beautiful, let's go then." Draco responded, taking her hand in his as they walked the school grounds into the library. They both spent awhile speculating over who was going to win the TriWizard Torniment, then spent the duration of their evening discussing whatever fell apon their minds. The librarian didn't seem to mind this, as the entire school was practically empty due to the majority of people watching the final task. There was a ball awhile ago, which Valerie also spent upstairs in the library, she wasn't much of a big crouds person, she spent most of her time secluded by herself. This formed a bond with the Librarian as Valerie and her shared similarities, Valerie was grateful for this as it meant she got away with breaking the rules a bit more. But Valerie could ajdust spending her nights all by herself for Draco.

A couple of hours went by, and as they both decided to go to their dormitories, they suddenly heard what sounded like several girls crying from downstairs. They both decided to follow the noise only to hear one of the most devasting thing's that could be said.

"He's dead, Cedric's dead!" screamed the voice as it burst into tears. Valerie didn't even have the time to comprehend this before tears fell down her face, as she fell into Draco sobbing. They were both in such disbelief, Cedric was gone, and he was never coming back.

The last few weeks of school went by, everyone still morned over the death of Cedric, rumour had it that Voldemort was back. This is what Harry had said, so ofcourse Valerie believed him. Despite what other people had said. Valerie spent most of her time comforting her friends, and spending time by herself, this year had been so emotional, for so many reasons, and she wasn't upset to see her fourth year coming to an end. Valerie spent the last few days of the school year packing her things for the journey home, and saying goodbye to her friends and house-mates who she wouldn't see again until after the summer.

"I'll miss you Draco." Valerie whispered as her and Draco kissed at the train station, before boarding to her compartment with the usual gang. She could only hope that her next year at Hogwarts would end better than this one. But atleast she had her friends, and her boyfriend at her side.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2017 ⏰

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