Chapter 2: Potions And Detentions

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"Potions first today" said Valerie to a friend she had made named Zara, a pretty girl with long straight black hair, and fair skin. Zara had informed Valerie on the potions teacher named Snape, a usually cruel man, exept when it came to Slytherins, as he was their head of house.

"Oh great, we've got it with a mix of Slytherins and Gryffindors, that aught to be fun." Moaned Zara, as they made their way across the castle. They had only been attending Hogwarts for a few days, this was their first potions class of the year. Valerie was impressivley smart, so she wasn't worried about the work load, but the idea of Professor Snape, scared her to her core. As the pair reached the class Valerie grinned at some familiar faces, including Harry, Ron Hermione and a buck-teeth, quite boy named Neville. Then all of a sudden, a thud hit Valerie on the back.

"Mind out, Bruisey, Talking with a mud-blood? And i thought your appearance was a joke."

Valerie recognised who this was immediatley. She knew this to be Draco Malfoy, and Valerie wasn't sure whether it was being around her new friends, or whether it was true rage, but somehow she built up an unkown courage to which responded.

"I'm a so called 'Mud-Blood' too, thankyou very much. And if that bothers you so much then maybe you should take your sorry butt home... Mousey!' She exclaimed, everyone around sniggered at the name 'Mousey', this was the first thing Valerie could think off, she felt bad as soon as she said it because she was usually very kind, but she was too angry to dwell on it. Draco's cheeks redenned as he pulled out his wand

"You'll regret that, you filthy mud-blood, Bruisey" taunted Malfoy, when all of a sudden,

"No fighting in my corridors!" shouted a teacher named McGonagall, "Fighting in the first week! Really? Both of you, detention!" She called, as she turned away and strode off, this made Draco put his wand away, muttering something under his breath as he entered the dampened classroom. On the chalk board listed names, written in pairs. Giving Valeries luck, her name was partnered with Draco's, and her heart sank as she knew nothing good would come from this.

"You will be paired into partners for your entirety of potion lessons, this will be up untill you choose which lessons you wish to take in your futher time at Hogwarts. I do not care whether you are with a friend or not, any complaints with result in detention. Whilst you are in this classroom, you follow my rules and no one elses. Take your seat and become aquiantenenced with your partner, teaching will start in 5 minutes."

"Just my luck, stuck with Draco..." Mumbled Valerie as she sat at her the two seater, black, thick, wooden desk, with Draco Reluctantly sitting next to her. Neither one spoke for the 5 minutes given, and neither of them spoke for the remainder of the lesson. Or any potion lesson for the whole week in fact, Untill Friday Morning. Valerie and Draco sat side by side as Draco struggled to perfect his potion, it was suppose to be a dark green, however Draco's seemed to be a light green. Valerie debated whether helping him as he had been so cruel to her, however it wasn't in her nature not to help a fellow student.

"You need to add more crushed snail shell, it thickens the liquid adding darkness too." Said Valerie, timidly as she passed three snail shells to Draco.

"I don't remember asking for help Bruisey... but thanks." replied Draco, he usually sounded dismissive of everything Valerie said during class, but this time he had almost a kindness in his tone.

"Its okay, I'll see you in detention later, i guess." Said Valerie as class was almost over, she walked to her common room and put away her books and prepared for detention, the weather was calm outside, although it was set to be miserable by that evening. Valerie assumed her detention would be indoors but, she wore a ravenclaw hoodie just in case. As she walked down the corridor leading to McGonagalls classroom, she was soon stopped by McGonagall herself.

"Oh there you are, detention will be held at Hagrids Hut in the gardens, you will be going into the Forbidden Forest tonight, hurry along don't want to keep him waiting!" Said McGonagall, as she quickly passed Valerie, clearly in a hurry. As Valerie walked the grounds she soon reached Hagrids hut, she had already met Hagrid, and he was very fond of Valerie, along with her friends Harry, Ron and Hermione, who spent a lot of their free time with Hagrid. Valerie banged on the worn-down door, which swung open with a mighty force. Hagrid greeted her with a big grin, along with a lantern and his large, grey dog. Draco arrived shortly after Valerie, and they made their way into the dark forest, it began to rain lightly as they walked for what seemed to be for hours, as Hagrid claimed they were looking for a newly born unicorn, who had been seperated from her mother. It soon grew very dark, cold and rainy as they walked through the eary forest. Hagrid stopped in his tracks as his dog Fang, barked and hurry off to the right, sniffing as though he found something.

"You two wait ere', shan't be long. Don' wander, wouldn't want yer' to get 'urt." Said Hagrid, as he followed fang into the depth of the forest. Ten minutes then past, and still no sign of Hagrid, it got so cold that Valerie could see her breath and she began pasing to warm herself up. She turned quite pale, and her lips turned blue.

"You alright Bruisey?" Draco questioned, almost as though he was concerned.

"You know... My name's Valerie... You can be... So h-h-horrible..." shivered Valerie, who was looking worse by the second, Draco slightly looked sorry for Valerie, he did think she was very pretty, but she was a mud-blood. And besides Draco didn't want Valerie to know he didn't hate her, and to be mean was an easy way to make her think that. However, Draco could tell Valerie wasn't looking good, and she needed help urgently.

"Look... Val, wait here. I'll see if Hagrids close, just stay put and watch out for sink holes, they'll be easy to fall into because of the soaking ground. Just stay put okay?" Said Draco, as he paced off, this worried Valerie as Draco must of been scared for her, to go after Hagrid, whom he didn't like. Valerie tried her hardest to stay still, but in order to warm herself up she had to pace around. Five, ten minutes past and Valerie was really starting to feel weak, she stumbled to the left as her body felt lighter and lighter, then she fell. She tumbled down a small hill as the world turned around her, then... SPLASH. The last thing Valerie remembered was feeling Ice Cold, and sinking into what felt like 1000 needles peircing her skin, It became obvious that she fell into the lake, she couldnt swim to the top as she was so cold, she was never a strong swimmer in the first place, she hated the ocean as a child, and she hated not being able to see whats underneath her, the un-certainty. This caused her to stay away from water besides swimming pools. But under these circumstances, she wished she could the strongest swimmer known. However, she felt still and she couldn't move at all. She felt herself slowly let go of the world around her, giving up and falling into the darkness around her.

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