Chapter 6: Jealousy

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Valarie woke to the sound of a familar voice, it was Dumbledore, who was sat at the end of the very familiar hospital bed.

"So we meet again, my dear you don't have the best luck do you? You were petrified, along with many other students, one of which being your bestfriend, you are the last to wake though. Do not worry you will be fine. Once again, i shall let the staff know of your safety, and i shall see you at dinner." Dumbledore spoke as he walked towards the door. "Also my dear, he shall be here shortly, he's barely left your side. He is very sorry." Dumbledore said as he left the hospital wing. Valerie struggled out of bed and looked amongst her many gifts, she didn't know how long she had been gone for this time, but it seemed longer due to the mass amounts of presents. She just hoped she hadn't missed to much work. She couldn't help but hope Dumbledore meant Draco, although there was no note, or sign he had been to visit her, she assumed Draco still hated her, for god only knows what reason.

As Valerie searched through her gifts (which she was very grateful for) She heard the door open and close behind her. "Valerie!" said the voice, Valerie recognised it as Draco immediatley. Valerie turned to see a large teddy bear in Draco's arms as he paced towards her.

"Valerie youve been gone 45 days! a record! I am so sorry Bru..Valerie." Said Draco, who looked like he hadn't been sleeping much. "I was mad at you because I... I heard you and Seamus were a thing during the train ride, and to be hones, I was jealous. I didnt mean what I said V..."

"Bruisey" Valerie interrupted, which made Draco smile "You could've talked to me, we were never a thing, I... don't like Seamus. You hurt my feelings Draco. You hadn't taken the mick out of my appearance in ages, nor my blood. You did both and that really hurt, I was stupid to think you might like me with this horrible stain on my face." Wept Valerie as she stood before Draco, she was so happy yet dissapointed to see him. She knew he was sorry but that didnt make it okay.

"Not like you? I do like you, i was just angry, and I really am sorry, i hope we can be friends again. We still are potion partners for the next two years, you can call me 'Mousey' all you want? I really am sorry." Exclaimed Draco, Valerie could really tell he was sorry. "I apoligised to Hermione, because she's a mud-... muggle born too. And I knew I upset her. Ron tried to make me vomit slugs, but it backfired and he was vomiting them. I apologised to him too, for egging him on." He continued, Valerie pulled him into a hug as soon as she heard this, he knew he wasn't an apology person, so she knew that must've been hard for him. As Draco and Valerie walked towards the grand hall, Valerie slipped a note into draco's robes, before walking in and being welcomed in the same way as she was last year, as everyone settled down telling Valerie stories of the chamber of secrets. Draco reached into his pocket and read a note saying 'See you next year, Mousey' with two scribbled love hearts. Draco looked across at Valerie, who winked back at him. Before continuing her discusion with Zara and her friends.

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