Chapter 15: The Lake

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Valerie moped about of bed the next day, she began to sulk her way down to Potions, preparing herself to sit next to Draco for a full hour, not to mention how hurt she was by their last conversation. For the first time in years, she was dreading having to go. But just to her luck, walking down the corridor she bumped into Professor McGonagall, with another Ravenclaw, named Cho Chang. And Valeries best friend, Hermione behind her.

"Will you come with me please, Miss Clarkson." Said McGonagall in her usual, stern voice. She followed along with Hermione and Cho, and all she could feel was relief because she didn't have to spend potions with Draco. She was very unsure about what McGonagall wanted, but assumed it was about Transfiguration, because They were all top of their class. However, soon they found out they were needed for something much different than Transfiguration.

Harry ran into the Dining hall the next morning, Almost everyone could hear what he was saying.

"Ron, Ron, the next task its a lake! We have to rescue someone important to us, from the lake!!" Harry shouted, this raised everybodys attention, everyone wanted to know who had been taken. Most pupils were being kind to Harry again, after seeing how horrific the first task was, most people realised that Harry wouldn't enter himself, then deny it. However, nobody had even noticed select pupils were gone because they had only been taken for less than a day.

"Cedric, he has to save Cho! And Fluer, Fluer has to save her sister, and Krum has, has to save Hermione!" Harry puffed, he was out of breath from running to Ron to tell him the news.

"Hermione! What?! Wait, so who do you have to save?" Ron asked with concern, most people assumed that they would have taken Ron, who had been his bestfriend for years.

"The one person who helped me when no one else would, I have to save Valerie." Harry puffed, to Harry's surprise, Draco stood up from across the hall.

"What? Valerie's, gone?" Draco asked, he became increasingly worried, their last conversation was a huge arguement. He soon felt so guilty about how he treated Valerie, he remembered what she said about other boys wanting to treat her better, it was only now that he realised how important she actually was to him.

"Potter, i swear,  if she doesn't come back okay..." Draco murmered to Harry as he walked towards him. Harry stopped him from finishing his sentance.

"I'll do everything I can Malfoy, I promise." Harry knew how important Draco was to Valerie, and vise versa, he also cared massively for Valerie, she had always been kind and forgiving, and he truely wanted to do everything he can to ensure of her safety, as she was the reason he made it this far into the tornament. And he really hoped she would be okay.

A couple days later the challenge came around, All the champions were waiting to dive into the water, whilst Draco and Zara stood together, almost supporting eachother as they waiting for Valerie and Hermione to come up. Draco told Zara about their arguement, and how he feels. And Zara surprisngly hugged him.

"Aslong as you know how you feel now, it sometimes takes almost loosing someone to know their worth. When she comes back, just please. Don't let her go again." Said Zara whilst leaning over the barrior, feeling sick to her stomach as the champions dived into the river. Everyone around was cheering as Krum soon swam up with Hermione, Zara ran up and hugged her. And they all waited once more, praying Valerie would be okay. Ten minutes later, Cedric shot up with Cho. Everyone cheered once more, but still no sign of Fluer or Harry. Then all of a sudden Fluer swam up to the top, clearly struggling to get to the platform, screaming and crying about how she couldn't retrive her sister.

"Oh my Godric." Whispered Hermione as she slinged onto Zara, about to cry. She was terrified for fluers sister's safety, everybody was, then in a startle, Fluers sister sprang loosley to the top of the water, she struggled to get to the ladder that got her out of the lake, whilst exclaiming that Harry had saved her, but he was running out of time. That Valerie wasn't free from the chains yet, and the mermaids wouldn't let Harry take two people, and he was becoming weaker as time went on.

Draco went even more pale than he usually was. He felt a tear fall down his face, he didn't want to loose Valerie, he couldn't loose Valerie. Hermione put her hand on Draco's arm, as she started to cry too. Everybody had stopped cheering at the point. And just watched the muddy river in anticipation.

Five minutes past, now the professors began to worry, the magic Harry had used to create fins, would have worn out by now. No-one was talking, all anybody could here were the ripples of the water against the cold air. When out of nowhere, a worn out Harry, sprang out of the water, with a lifeless Valerie in his arms. The croud burst into cheers as students and teachers, helped them both out of the water. Draco began to tore through the croud to get to Valerie, who was surrounded by Harry and Professor Dumbledore, who was also speaking with a Merman from the lake and countless other staff members. No one knew what to say, she had a pulse, barely. Professor Snape knelt down and pored a potion into her mouth, along with the supervision of Madame Pomfrey, and about 30 seconds later...

"Huuu!!" Valerie took a massive breath in, followed by coughing up nothing but water, she had no clue where she was, but she was freezing, and panicking about being on a platform near the water, she became agitated and delusional. It seemed like the normal thing to happen to her by now, to end up in weird accidents.

"Get, water... please, away." She was mumbling quickly whilst trying to scurry to feet. Professor Snape cradled her on the floor, after the boggart incident, students knew Snape felt a connection to Valerie, so no-one questioned his act of kindess.

"Its alright, look Draco's coming over now, it'll be okay." Snape re-assured as Valerie began to calm down, Draco was reaching closer to Valerie as he knelt down beside her. She barely had time to adjust to her surroundings, before she realised Draco was kissing her. Snape knew this was his que to leave, he walked away kindly towards into the crowed around them. Draco pulled away and threw her into a hug before putting a Ravenclaw jumper on her. Everyones spirits were up again, Fluer was thanking Harry over and over again for saving her sister. Where as Draco went to the hospital wing with Valerie, without letting go of her hand the entire time.

"I am so sorry babe, please forgive me. I love you and when I thought you were gone, I realised how much you meant to me." Draco said whilst playing with Valeries hair, Valerie kissed him again, reassuring him that she had forgiven him. As Harry walked into the hospital wing with his friends to see Valerie, Draco thanked him multiple times for saving her. Draco had never thanked Harry for anything before, that's when Valerie knew how much she meant to Draco, and she couldn't have been any happier.

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