2. Does Wifi work in Space?

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Everything was blurred, as [Y/N]'s eyelids occasionally fluttered open, they would immediately shut almost as if she was in a film being fast forwarded .

Then, she awoke. Her head spinning as she dizzily got to her feet, only to find her headspace limited and due to her being [y/h], she couldn't fully stand, only awkwardly crouch.

Slumping against the wall, she tried to recall the previous events that had led up to this situation, her hand dug into her pocket in worry as she digged around for her phone unsuccessfully.

Realising it was gone, she began to thrash around, looking down and her ankles were bound to the wall behind her, a small chain allowing her body to move.

"Are you fucking with me!" [Y/N] yelled as she thrashed about angrily, disturbing her neighbouring cellmate and earning a, "shut the fuck up."

She ignored her neighbours rude comment and growled, balling her fist up she smashed it into the wall.

Bad move. Her knuckles instantly began to swell up, a small amount of blood dripped down the now scratched up joints, it accompanied her fellow cut knee very well.

"Okay, first you fucking abduct me then you take my phone!" [Y/N] yelled again, earning a sigh from her neighbour.

Apparently there was nobody around who could answer [Y/N]'s rather abusive questioning, leaving her to whine and deal with her newly formed injury alone.

Clenching her fist she grunted in pain as she slowly placed it on her lap, she began to look around the 'cell' she was placed in.

The walls weren't the usual cliché grey or black or even white, they were a strange shade of lime green and hand weird electric looking pulsating wires running through them.

The bars weren't either, it was a thick force field of electricity running straight down it, definitely not something to be punched, [Y/N] rubbed her sore fist, shivering at the thought.

Not prepared to bust up her hand even more, [Y/N] sighed and huffed. This was going to be a incredibly long trip.

But, on a more positive note, there was now documented proof to her that aliens were in fact very much real and sadly very much a threat.

Staring at her lap, she twiddled her thumbs and began to think of home, of Beach City.

Depending on the time, either her mother would be blissfully sleeping enjoying her late morning lay in, or frantically worried searching for [Y/N].

Steven would be up in a vain effort to grab himself the first donut of the day, god, thinking about food made you so hungry. The sugary sweet smell of one of Sadies donuts, the sickly icing sugar tantalising her taste buds.

The crystal gems, whatever they were, would be off on some incredible adventure.

[Y/N] sighed softly, tears pricked at her tear ducts as slowly she lowered her head and began to sob.

Repressed feelings, distressing emotions, homesickness, it all came out at once, her own hands the only warm thing around as she wrapped them around her small frame and sobbed hard, tears flowing down her cheeks much like the mystical waterfall Steven and [Y/N] had once visited.

Nothing was okay.

She thought of everything she had to lose, everything she was losing, everything that was lost.

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