19. The Beach

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As [Y/N] looked out at the silvery waves, she found herself admiring them.

The way they retorted against the obstacles and simply washed over any underlying issues, the fierceness of the situation not affecting their primitive instinct.

The plain beauty, the mysterious waters and unexplained phenomena that surrounded the murky depths miles away from where [Y/N] and Yellow Zircon stood.

Miles and miles of silence. But nothing about the ocean was silent, [Y/N] found herself remarking as she awaited patiently for Yellow Zircon to figure out what she would say.

The cool breeze brushed her cheeks and brought a new outlook along with them, waves lapped patiently at the stairs of Stevens house and [Y/N] looked at them with a strange afflicted fondness.

She had never liked the ocean, too much wordfull drivel had been written about it for her liking. But something compelled her to accept it.

"What I did to you, god what I did." Yellow spoke, a soft easing backdrop with a much more serious undertone, for the situation [Y/N] was in.

"It was wrong." Yellow Zircon found herself explaining herself and accepting her mistakes.

[Y/N] serenely nodded, distracted by the ocean and its motives.

"And there's no excuse for what I did. I have no excuse, because there isn't one. There's no way to make you forgive me,"

A crash of a wave, and another tear slipped from [Y/N]'s unblinking eyes, and fell into the pulsating sea beneath her.

It sent ripples, but soon was swallowed by more tears, not just her own.

"You shouldn't forgive me. Ever. What I did was an act of selfish self-preservation, because I couldn't accept how I felt towards you,"

[Y/N] raised a hand to her mouth to stifle a sob, things felt so much more realistic when realities were hammered head on, when explanations were given by the attacker and the attacked simply had to stand by and listen.

Past events swirled to life in front of her, the ocean became the stage for a play, a play based off of her happenings.

Waves sprung to life, her father, an alcoholic who disappeared and scattered leaving a scathing scar on her mother, a child.

Bullying, an occurrence [Y/N] had promised she would not dwell on. Fingers pointed at her as words were burnt into the very flesh of her brain.

And finally, Yellow Zircons harsh words, the physical abuse the agony the fear. Everything came together in the water as it swirled and danced in her peripheral vision.

"Because I was afraid of rejection. I was afraid I'd be hurt after it all, and I see now, I deserve to hurt, I pained you physically to satisfy my superiors."

"And I pained you to disguise the way I felt- feel, about you." Yellow Zircon shivered as she wrapped an arm around her own girth in a foolish attempt to bring back warmth.

"But why?" Was [Y/N]'s final question, as the play took its final bow, and she felt a strange sensation of forgiveness stirring in her.

"Because I saw what they did to Blue Zircon- Pearl. She wasn't Blue Zircons anything, she was Pearl." Tears choked Yellow and [Y/N] found her feet guiding her nearer.

Gingerly, [Y/N] snaked a comforting hand across Yellow Zircons back and pulled her close.

Nodding her head to show her approval and that she was well aware of the situation, Yellow looked at [Y/N] her golden eyes gleamed, absent of malice or harmful intention.

More, filled with pride and a look which [Y/N] could only ever describe as the human embodiment of an aesthetic video.

"They shattered her, [Y/N]. They did it, right in front of Blue and I." Sobs racked her body as [Y/N] found her own posture rocketing from left to right moved by emotion.

"But they tortured her before," The Yellow gems eyes darkened,

"They scratched her gem, they brought the most heartless of soldiers forwards to cause as most damage as they could, they beat and broke her right before Blue and I, a warning to us." Tears encased the gems face as she didn't even attempt to conceal them, rather allowing herself to grieve openly.

"A warning that this is what would happen to any gem foolish enough to indulge upon the fantasy of love." Yellow finalised her statement before coughing awkwardly and continuing after much thought,

"And you came along. And you stole my gem instantly,"

[Y/N] figured 'stole my gem' was a almost parallel copy of 'stole my heart' but a more gem-based phrase. She didn't speak up about it and only blushed at Yellow.

Yellow Zircons arms slowly encased [Y/N] as she looked down to make sure that [Y/N] was comfortable she gave her a real smile.

Nothing like the smirks she'd occasionally give, a real smile. Her teeth shone softly as her whole face radiated purity. Crinkles in her cheeks, dimples and small creases increased along with [Y/N]'s heart-throb.

"And stupidly I damaged you. I hurt the only beautiful thing I was in possession of." Yellow Zircon was filled with anguish as she ashamedly rubbed her forehead.

"I can't ask for forgiveness or for anything to ever happen between us, because I deserve neither, but all I ask is that you try to not hate m-" She began, sweat collected on her forehead and [Y/N] silenced her stupidity.

She was fed up of Yellow Zircons rambling, despite how admittedly cute and endearing,it was.

So [Y/N] quieted her the only way she knew how.

She pressed her lips against Yellows, earning a small squeak of surprise from the formerly unforgiving gem that ruled her galaxy.

And Yellow returned the favour. The kiss wasn't sour, nor tainted with lust and desire, it was more a soft and sweet exchange.

To [Y/N], Yellow tasted like angels and clouds all mixed together, and her hand reached to touch the gems smooth skin as the two became latched in a exchange of the purest kind.

Eventually pulling away, [Y/N] found herself gazing into a loved up looking gem, nothing compared to the monster she saw a mere few months ago.

"Holy wow." Yellow broke the gaze her cheeks flushing a darker yellow, and [Y/N] only smirked, the roles reversed as it all came full circle.

"You can say that again."

"Holy wow!"

[Y/N] giggled and Yellow let out a soft laugh, as the two wrapped arms around each other, staring down at the soothing ocean and then up at the horizon as the sun rose lazily.

A new day, a new chance.

A chance for something truly worthwhile.

The door creaked behind them, neither Yellow nor [Y/N] bothered to entertain it as slowly each gem filed out.

Blue Zircon to the left of [Y/N] her face raw from tears, and [Y/N] offered her a hand to which she gratefully accepted.

Lapis, Peridot, Pearl and Amethyst to the right of Yellow Zircon accompanied by Garnet who held a sleeping Steven in her arms.

Lion padded out slowly and laid behind them all, as each and every gem- and human- admired the most human thing about the situation.

The way the sun rose gracefully, its soft rays beckoning for forgiveness and finalisation for each and every one of them.

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