5. Homeworld, but not your Home World.

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[Y/N] awoke to the stopping of the familiar juddering sounds she had grown used to and she dared to stretch it, had comforted her during the voyager, stopping completely.

It was like falling asleep on a road trip and the cars engine being switched off after 12 hours.

But this was not a road trip, and this was not a car, but a intergalactically travelling ship she was holed up in.

Fussing about frantically, [Y/N] thrashed only to remember the shackles that bound her tightly to the bed.

"Y-yellow?" She called out weakly, her whole body apparently seizing up as she coughed inhaling the foul air that blanketed her.

"Yellow Zircon wouldn't have been impressed to have heard that." A familiar voice rang out, it belonged to the Blue Zircon she had previously threatened.

[Y/N] scowled at her and sighed, before coughing and gasping the thickness of the atmosphere once again getting to her oxygen rich lungs.

"[Y/N]?" Blue mumbled worriedly as she rushed over to the side of the bed, her hand fumbling around [Y/N]'s face much to her disgust.

"Don't touch me." [Y/N] snapped angrily, she wasn't one for physical contact.

"Oh shut up." Blue retorted, a small sweat bead was beginning to form on her forehead as her hands raced against the hands of time.

"You're not used to the oxygen levels on homeworld." She eventually announced after admittedly groping [Y/N]'s whole body.

Blue Zircon must have known Yellow Zircon wouldn't be pleased with her actions as her hands left [Y/N]'s body as soon as they had come into contact with them.

"Ain't that fucking lovely." [Y/N] growled sarcastically, spluttering as she spoke holding in another cough.

"Your life expectancy is drastically dropping." Announcing what she had to say as if it were a absolutely joyous occasion, Blue clapped her hands together.

"What?" Gasping for air, [Y/N] felt her heart concave, if she died before getting home she might never get the chance to grow up and become what she had always wanted to be.

Shit, she'd never see Steven or the Crystal gems, Connie, Peedee, even Onion was a familiar face she yearned for at this point, despite his creepy nature, [Y/N] desperately needed someone to slap her and pull her out of this void she was slipping into slowly.

Her mother would eventually forget her. Her father, fuck knows wherever he was, her stepdad would console her mother and they would both die never knowing what had happened to [Y/N] [L/N].

"Oh dear." Blue Zircon frowned puzzled as [Y/N]'s chest rose and fell at a rapid pace, she scuttled out of the room yelling for Yellow Zircon, worry layered her tone.

"Fucking marvellous."

As [Y/N] laid there, she had an ingenious idea.

What if, she didn't comply. Disobedience as she had been briefed was met with punishments and restrains, but by any luck, disobeying her 'master' enough would cause a entirely different answer to the situation.

What if, disobedience was her way out of her.

What if-

[Y/N]'s scheming was interrupted by her body apparently giving in and wheezing as she gasped like a fish out of water, straining her neck to try gulp down the air she so vitally needed.

She inhaled and exhaled shuddering at each breath. [Y/N] needed to act. And fast, if she wanted to escape this place alive.

Staring down at the handcuffs, [Y/N] recoiled as she learnt they were infact, not the genre of handcuffs she had first assumed.

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