11. Yes, my diamond.

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Yellow Zircon fixed her suit a final time, her eyes fixated on [Y/N] as she cleared her throat, and filed into the room without another noise.

[Y/N] felt like a animal, trapped, her mind told her to run while she could, her heart told her to bare through whatever was about to commence, her gut told her she needed the answers that were about to be laid out before her.

Taking a deep breath of air, she fixed her oxygen mask and entered the dark room, a hand grabbed her wrist and tugged her close,

Tending up, [Y/N] felt a scream bubble in her throat, her mouth dry and her hands clammy at the touch of a newcomer,

Yellow Zircons eyes met hers as she harshly shook her head, the bubble popped as she pulled her arm down to her side and stood dutifully beside Yellow Zircon, earning a pearly white flash.

[Y/N] heard soft rumbling, the room shook violently, struggling to keep her balance [Y/N] noticed the previous soft pastel gem and a second pastel blue one, both remarkably similar stood side by side in the upmost of dignified manners, her eyes were about to be dragged away from analysing them, however.

The rumbling subdued, two large throne like chairs appeared one blue, one yellow respectively, the darkness was a blinding light, as two huge gems appeared.

[Y/N] stared awe-stricken, her jaw dropping, she forgot herself momentarily as her breath hitched, her eyes unable to be torn away from the magnificence that faced her.

A large woman, the same shade of vibrant yellow as her Yellow Zircon, her height easily trebled the size of anything on earth, her hands were daintily clothed by gloves, her eyes held malicious intent,-her attitude as a whole, apathetic- as they were brought out by the make-up looking eye dress up she wore. Her heels gave her a even more superior manner as she dully strutted to her throne, seating herself with a bored expression.

As [Y/N] watched her entrance end, she was reminded of a circus, one jaw-dropping act would end and another would begin.

The blue gem was next, her expression much more mournful and sympathetic than her counterpart who sat looking bored, her crystal blue eyes drooped in a way that could only be described by [Y/N] as an embodiment of depression.

Her long hair trailed behind her, sending gusts of wind flying as she seated herself with a heavy intake of air.

"What is the meaning of this, Yellow Zircon speak." The yellow gem spoke hastily, her eyes narrowing as she apparently noticed the speck of [Y/N].

The familiar shroud of discomfort crept onto [Y/N] as she found herself staring at the ground, her eyes not daring to meet the superior force.

"Y-yes my diamond- we are here t-today to discuss the miss-behaviour of Carnelian Quartz facet 65, cut, 2AQ." Yellow's face fell, the familiar smug look had been completely erased, it was ludicrous for [Y/N] to even think this apparent submissive gem had caused so much grief previously.

[Y/N] suddenly recalled what Yellow Zircon had called the gem before her, Diamond.


Her eyes widened as she felt a fresh wave of nausea wash over the sands of her body, The Yellow Diamond.

The dictator, the oppressive dictator Steven had warned her of.

And in real life, she was even more terrifying than she was when being figuratively spoken about.

"Speak. Don't waste Blue's and I's time." The gem glowered menacingly at Yellow Zircon who simply nodded and did a peculiar salute, [Y/N] couldn't concentrate on the words the two exchanged.

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