15. The Zoo

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It was silent again. [Y/N] often appreciated silence at home on earth, but she found herself clinging to the desire of hearing a human voice amongst the aliens she encountered, and disliked the emptiness it brought around.

"Hey, Ruby?" [Y/N] had a thought, and turned her chair to face the gem, who was beginning to lose patience, visibly.


"What exactly do they keep in this, 'zoo'?" Awaiting a response, [Y/N] played with her hair that had grown a rather credible amount during her absence from earth.

"Humans." Ruby responded simply, sighing.

[Y/N] felt her insides freeze, she didn't like the thought of her own kind captive. She didn't like it at all, especially not if most homeworld gems presented the brutish attitude, Yellow Zircon withheld.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive." Then, the gem opened her mouth to talk but shut it after a second thought.

Silence. Once again.

[Y/N] let her mind float away for a while, she never realised how long a day truly was when it wasn't filled with trivial chores and owning a cell-phone and stalking people's Instagrams or just simply watching Netflix.

The days just seemed to drag on and on until the night began and [Y/N], due to her lack of movement felt the night drag on, only for the cycle to continue day after day.

[Y/N] had to admit, she missed Earths simple distractions. Just being able to forget reality and sink into a show about just about anything. Dystopian futures, paradises on earth, anything.

Ruby began to tap on the dashboard, breaking [Y/N] from her thoughts and distracting her quite a lot, for some odd reason [Y/N] was glad.

Her and her thoughts hadn't really been getting along, the matter of it all was that despite her trying to force thoughts of Earth into her mind she couldn't.

She didn't really want to think about Earth. All she could think about was the sadistic Yellow Gem who bullied her into giving up her heart.

[Y/N] was fixated in those eyes. Forever lost, going down the path of her mind, wandering into darkened corners and submerging herself wholly in the yellow orbs that radiated such detest and resentment.

It enraptured her.

The way her hair always looks immaculate, the care she took of her presentation, the cliff-hangers she left [Y/N] on continuously.

Something more than a mild crush had developed during her time near Yellow Zircon and it was becoming an uncomfortable need to see her face or feel her icy breath, or just touch her cold clammy skin.

Yellow Zircon was bad news for sure, but [Y/N] couldn't help but relish in the thoughts of an alternate universe where perhaps, just perhaps, they could be in love without all the major setbacks.

It disgusted and pleased [Y/N].

The resentment, the desire. It was a mix of emotions nobody should have to feel ever.

"Hey, Ruby." [Y/N] spoke again, this time slowly.

"Yeah?" Ruby was clearly not giving her her full attention.

"What do you do, if you love someone you can't have." It burned [Y/N]'s tongue to even speak such despicable truths.

"You fight for them." Her body seemed to tense, her pose frozen in time.

"You do whatever you can for them. You risk it all, You ignore the fundamental ideals around what love should be and give it the finger," Ruby ranted, rather passionately.

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