14. On the run

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[Y/N] didn't allow herself to dwell on the concept of rescue, as the Ruby brought a solitary finger to her lips and shh'd her before she had chance to question her.

The guards made a racket, each had its own turn at attacking the situation through different means that became gradually more and more humorous to [Y/N] as they descended into gradual desperation.

One Quartz gem resorted to kicking the ship repeatedly, making strange 'tchh'ng' sounds in a bizarre attempt to coax whatever could make the sound out?

[Y/N] watched, slightly ill at ease with the proximity issue but also comforted by the Ruby who's eyes were scouting every single route the two could take.

"If only Sapphire were here.." the Ruby murmured, seemingly dumb-founded and at a loss for a plan.

[Y/N] cleared her throat as quietly as possible before giving a perturbed suggestion,

"Perhaps we make a run for it?"

The Ruby rubbed her chin, now deep in thought as she began to march up and down, steam emptying from the contents of her head as she quite literally began to burn up and emit heat.

"No. Too dangerous. Sapphire would want a calculated approach." Finishing her thought-induced march, The Ruby stood infront of [Y/N] with a perplexed expression.

[Y/N] simply let out a soft exhale of air, fixing her oxygen mask now becoming a second nature to her as she watched the Ruby continually murmur to herself and scold herself internally and externally.

The occasional voices of Quartz soldiers could be heard in the near distance as the pair felt the pressure amount on each other's shoulders.

Ruby had a unknown mission
[Y/N] needed to get home.

The two, were together, united in reasoning but disputing in logic.

"Ruby?" [Y/N] spoke eventually.

The gem didn't respond only nodded to show her awareness of the situation.

"Why don't we just run for it?"

"Perhaps." Ruby scowled and kicked the dirt clearly not pleased with the lack of thought-out-methodical-plan.

"No- seriously, think about it." Coaxing her, [Y/N] offered a sweet smile.

"If we just run, we get on the ship and those dumb Quartz's won't know what hit them!" [Y/N] announced puffing out her chest as Ruby once-more stroked her chin.

"We can get back to earth."

Ruby didn't seem taken by the idea at first, rather opposing the preposterous preposition that was to go into the endeavour unprepared, but as soon as [Y/N] mentioned the planet she resided on it was apparent her mind had been changed.

[Y/N] didn't know this gems intentions, nor its current position in the gem-dictator-spectrum, nor did she even know where it hailed from, but she felt a small bond form from the apparent pang of home-sickness.

The two were battling time as Ruby hauled [Y/N] up with a single reflex action, her muscular build now obvious in the humans widened eyes.

"Right. We just gotta run for it, right?" Ruby looked to [Y/N] for reassurance as she peaked over the yellow vehicle, army-style, ducking every few seconds making sure the coast was entirely clear.

[Y/N] nodded and felt a strange jitter of excitement replicate in her stomach. She was going home. Life would be normal.

Waiting for a few minutes, the Ruby consistently checked the coast, her head bobbing up and down in a rather comical sense, until she made a odd signal at [Y/N] who took it as a sign to stand.

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