4. Shackles.

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Yellow Zircon threw back her head and let out a uproarious laugh, her glorious golden eyes narrowing as she shook her head.

"That's sweet of you, it genuinely is. But, no." Yellow stepped towards [Y/N] who cowered away more afraid of this gem than any of the others she had faced.

"What do you mean n-" [Y/N] snarled as she began to spoke. She was abruptly stopped by a harsh slap on her right cheek,

[Y/N]'s soft [e/c] eyes paled and widened, tears pooled in them as she looked up to the taller gem.

"Don't speak unless spoken to." Yellow recited harshly, her head shaking from side to side in apparent unbridled disappointment.

"B-bu-" Slap.

"S-" Slap.

[Y/N] grew weakened with every slap and grimaced in agony, her cheeks were changing from a shade of mahogany white to a velvet red as blood coursed its way into them.

"Good. It appears humans aren't as driven by instinct as I had assumed." Curtly the yellow gem spoke, she glowered at a cowering [Y/N] before flashing a pearly white smile.

"Sit down." The words the gem spoke were not of an invitation, more of a procedure, and [Y/N] obediently seated herself.

Yellow Zircon smirked softly as she extended a cold harsh finger, one that had already damaged [Y/N] so much that she flinched but didn't dare move, and ran it across [Y/N]'s cheeks softly, adding pressure to where it had been previously assaulted.

"You know, I didn't want a human," She spoke her eyes still fixated on the small bruise forming on [Y/N]'s cheek, "organic life, is useless and often live short and fruitless lives."

As Yellow spoke, [Y/N] felt a familiar feeling of fear and anger and mistrust spiralling out of control in her gut, she looked down, not used to such harsh words against her kind.

In fact she wasn't used to any negativity directed towards humans, unless it came from well, humans.

"But you, you're intriguing." Yellow snatched her icy finger away and let the warmth flow back to [Y/N]'s cheeks.

"T-thank you." [Y/N] mumbled politely, despite her situation her upbringing had let her to believe that attempting to be polite to everyone was essential. 

The gem let out a tinkling laugh, her hands raised and instinctively [Y/N] squeezed her eyes shut ready for impact, but none came.

"Cute." The gem commented before standing and sighing.

"As I have previously told you, you are to be my slave. This does not mean I am to treat you cruelly, but if I see fit for punishment, then punished you will
be." Airily she spoke, as if this was all normal to her as if this was a casual affair.

Nothing about this was casual.
If Steven found out, if any member of Beach City discovered [Y/N]'s interstellar misadventure there would be carnage.

[Y/N] snapped to attention, she was tired, worn down, emotionally exhausted but yet she still new when to pay attention. [Y/N] vowed, internally, to never let her guard down again.

"Now, with you being," Yellow shivered and shuddered as if the very word disgusted her, "organic."

"I will have to feed you somehow, so, speak up now and educate me on what humans eat." Crossing her legs and fixing her monocle, Yellow pulled out a small pill like object to which projected a yellow screen and Yellow stared at you expectantly and impatiently.

"Um, we, um, we eat fruit, and meat, and we need water to survive.. and to stay clean." [Y/N] listed the most important things in human survival off of the top of her head as her counterpart speedily noted it down.

"And we need clothes, to keep ourselves warm and we need to occasionally go on walks and sleep for us to be healthy."

"M-hm." Yellow nodded as she finished rapidly taking notes and smiled warmly at [Y/N], for some reason causing [Y/N] to blush.

"Now, for your exceeding cooperation in the last activity I'll forget about your little, misdeed."

[Y/N] lowered her head thankfully.

"But. We must go through the rules." Clapping her hands, Yellow alerted [Y/N] who snapped her head upwards.

"R-rules?" [Y/N] stammered anxiously, her eyes searching Yellows for any sort of sympathy.

"Seen as you are now my property, I can do whatever I see fit to you."

"But that doesn't mean I'm primitive." Reminding [Y/N] Yellow smiled flashing her teeth.

"Rule 1; you speak when spoken to or addressed."

[Y/N] nodded, she had a hard time concentrating. This all felt so surreal, only this morning was she worrying about her mother worrying about her, now she was worrying about disobeying rules.

"Rule 2; you do as you are told. The first time."

"Rule 3; you will address me as miss, master, ma'am or Yellow Zircon."

"Rule 4; no fooling around with the gems on this ship. you are my property and I'm under liability for you."

Yellow gave [Y/N] a flirtatious look, her side eyes causing [Y/N]'s cheeks to set alight a rosy red colour now predominant.

"Rule 5; when I visit the my diamond if I choose to bring you along you will show the upmost respect towards our superiors."

"Rule 6; misdeeds will result in punishments dependent on what you have successfully screwed up."

"Rule 7; any of my subjects will be addressed as either their name or ma'am."

"Rule 8; as I understand humans are organic and need different things, if you are in dire need of a specific thing, you will tell me."

The last rule came as a minor shock to [Y/N] as Yellow gave her a almost sympathetic smile.

"Do we understand?" She queried moving her gaze off of [Y/N] and on to her projecting 'screen'.

"Yes ma'am." [Y/N] replied, opting for the easy response. She wasn't physically prepared to be 'punished' whatever that was to be.

"Now, you appear fatigued and you have various injuries, am I incorrect?"

"No, ma'am."

"You will rest here in Blue Zircons room. Do not touch anything other than the bed, are we clear?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"And finally, please bestow upon me the pleasure of your name?"

"[Y/N]." She spoke quietly, surprisingly subdued after everything that had happened.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful organic life form," Yellow winked as she watched over [Y/N] clambering into bed.

She approached [Y/N] and frowned, leaving [Y/N] to ponder what she had possibly done incorrectly to displease her superior.

Reaching her hand into her pocket, Yellow pulled out some soft looking handcuffs and carefully placed [Y/N]'s wrists together, cuffing her to the bed.

"Just for extra precaution." Softly she stroked [Y/N]'s [h/c] hair out of her eyes and stood.

[Y/N] felt her whole body tingle at the motion, for some peculiar reason [Y/N] had the newfound desire to impress.

[Y/N] put this emotion down to being exhausted and homesick, burying her true feelings as deep as she possibly could manage.

"Sleep well, [Y/N]."

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