16. Stars

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[Y/N] was the centre of the universe for a while, because after all, every star dies and becomes a catastrophic disaster after its seconds of fame.

Returning home was the easy part. She found her broken mother sobbing on the doorstep, and at her return she began babbling nonsense and wrapping much missed hands around her and holding her close.

[Y/N] was home. Her mothered showered her in unrequired adoration and gifts, leaving [Y/N] the centre of her mother's universe.

Of course came the questions from everyone, the press, the public, her immediate family, but [Y/N] learned to brush off the questions by answering questions with other questions and continuing the process until the attacker felt accomplished and filled with any essential information [Y/N] bothered to give.

Obviously after her disappearance her home began to feel like a maximum security prison, [Y/N] was trapped, her every move watched patiently and accordingly.

[Y/N] expected that and was almost glad to receive unrequited care and relished in the factual process people took in receiving her presence.

Life was surreal at first, but gradually things got forgot, her disappearance was thrown away like last weeks newspaper.

The town forgot it quickly and moved onto much more interesting pieces of news.

To which [Y/N] was also thankful.

Her hometown reacted the way she presumed, but her reaction to home was different.

Her house felt empty.

Her kitchen held ghosts of the past, her bedroom no longer her own, her living room had many skeletons under each and every crevice.

Nothing felt the same.

[Y/N] only felt truly at peace with her new inner difficulties when she was on her roof- an admittedly dangerous and not prohibited activity- staring up at the desolate universe.

She felt like a star.

And every star must die. Blow up and become a black hole, die in the most magnificent way.

Earth just wasn't her home any longer. She couldn't stand the way the wind rushed her, the way the sun scolded herself, the way the nights were over as soon as they begun.

The days now filled with preoccupied needs.

Nothing felt right.

And so every night, [Y/N] would patiently sit on her roof, relishing in the memories of Yellow Zircon.

The alien who forced her heart into her hands and played with it so easily, dictating [Y/N]'s every move like a chess player.

And nobody understood.

The marks on [Y/N]'s body healed over time and expensive medical procedures her mother demanded Dr Maheswaren to do, her only reason being the mental impacts they had on [Y/N].

Months went by, yet [Y/N] swore she often felt the brush of Yellow Zircons fingers against her skin, the harsh snarky voice cutting through her ear drum.

The unfair dictations of the controlling gem.

And so, [Y/N] stared at the stars.

Shooting star went by, by shooting star, and every single time [Y/N] saw one wether it be direct or through peripheral vision, she wished for the same thing.

She wished for the cruel gem, the heartless gem, the yellow gem with no morals, the gem who treat her as badly as she wanted but still had [Y/N] lusting after her.

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