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Walking into the large brick building I feel like an ant.

I force Mikey to stay by my side as we search around for our lockers.

There are so many people.

Turning into a hallway on the right with lockers going down on both sides, people start to turn to us.


I look up at Mikey and he looks down at me. We then look at the people and locker numbers.

So awkward oh my God.

A couple of jock looking guys turn to me and Mikey, giving strange looks but then turning back around. A group of girls in a huddle push their hair behind their ears and smile at me and Mikey.

Mikey notices and raises an eyebrow at me. They are cute I admit. But I don't get that butterfly shit thing in my stomach.

The walls are white, of course, and the lockers are blue. Pretty genaric and nothing really special about this school so far. Looks like one from those movies though, big and crowded.

I look at the piece of paper that was mailed to me about a week ago. It lists my classes and locker number along with the combination.

Locker #69
Combination: 6-10-25

Of course it's fucking locker number 69 what the hell else would it be?

I look at the locker next to me and see that I'm only at number 38. Mine must be at the end of the hall.

"Mikey what's your locker number?" I turn and ask him.

"Uh it number 68." Mikey says. I get excited.

"Awesome you'll be next to me."

"What's your number?"

"Uh... 69..." I say shyly and Mikey starts to laugh.

"Then I'll be across from you, the even numbers are on the right and the odd ones are on the left. Nice number by the way." He explains to me still laughing a little. I guess that's not too bad. I'll still be near him. I never noticed the pattern,  but then again I'm a fucking idiot.

I walk to the end of the hallway with looks shooting at me and I stop at my locker. Mikey seperates from me and I'm about to grab his arm before I decide to man up a bit.

There is already someone beside me and I don't pay to much attention to him. I open the locker and put all my stuff in that I don't need for my first class. I look at my schedule and see I have Art first. This is good, I'm good at art. Always have been. It's something I can do really well and I can't do a lot of things well.

I keep some pencils and a binder in my bookbag along with a sketchpad. I close it and turn to the left.

"Holy shit." I almost scream but manage to keep myself in control. I almost run into the boy leaning against the locker, arms folded and eyes on me. I recognize who he is by the unique eyes and scorpion tattoo on the side of his neck. It's Frank.

"Hey there Gee." His voice is low and graspy and holy fuck it's hot. 

No it's not shut up.

I would correct him and tell him to call me Gerard but I kinda like the way he says my nickname.

"Mr. Sex- I meam um Frank?" Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. I almost called him Mr. Sexy Eyes.

Maybe he didn't notice.

The confused look on his face says he definitely noticed. Shit.

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