All the People

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"Before I assign partners, I'm going to go through the role. When I say your name, raise ypur hand. That clear?" Mr. Collins instructs. I nod my head along with the rest of the class. I'm not excited to be called out.

No one cares about you, they won't even pay attention.

Right. No one is going to pay attention to me.

He goes through the names, everyone has been called on except me. The perks of having a 'W' as the first letter of my last name.

"Gerard Way!" Mr. Collins shouts. My heart races but I gulp down the fear and raise my hand. He gives me a strange look, squinting his eyes. He seems to be working something out in his mind. He turns his eyes to my left and looks at Frank. Then back at me. He smirks. What the hell is going on with these people?

I look at Frank with confusion painted on my face. He takes notice and leans over to me.

"Don't worry about it." He whispers and then takes his right hand and places it on my left knee. His hand sends electricity through my body. What in God's name is this man doing to me? I have never in my life been affected like this by a simple touch.

I look at his hand on my knee and he pulls away.

My fingers start to tingle and I re-ajust myself and take a deep breath. The whispering in the ear and the hand on the knee is a lot of... it's just a lot. I think it's clear now that I'm attracted to this little shit. I don't want to be but my body does.

You don't like him. You barely know him.

I barely know him. He could be a complete jerk and terrible person. Maybe I'm just nervous and that's why I'm feeling these things. Maybe I'm not attracted to him. Hopefully I'm not.

I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

"Alright! Now that we have done that, I want to give you all a chance to show me, and the class, what you got. Whether it be singing or playing an instrument or writing a song for someone else to sing or play, I know you all have something. So with that, I will go around the room and each of you will tell me what it is that you can do. And the part where you show us all your unbelievable talent, will be next week, Friday. So don't worry you have time to prepare yourself." God help me, no. Of fucking corse he's going to do that.

I know I can sing and I can play piano and guitar, but in no way am I confident enough to actually do any of those in front of people. If I say that's what I can do, then that's what people will expect of me next week. I'll play it safe and go with song writing. That way I don't actually have to worry about screwing up on playing or singing something.

Mr. Collins goes around the room, starting from the back and moving to the front row where I sit. A lot of people have said piano. Along with some sort of wind or string instrument. Only about six people have said singing and they were all guys. I find this kind of strange but then again there are only three girls in this class. Apparently most of the girls are in the other music class or in a pre-business class.

It's time for Frank to talk and I'm very interested to hear what he can do. He looks like a guitarist to me, he has the whole "hard rocker" look going on. Maybe it's the all black style or the tattoos and piercings, but either way he looks like he can do some crazy music shit.

"Okay, Frank Iero, your turn kid."

Everyone turns to Frank, including me.

"Okay, well, I can play a lot of random instruments, but I'm mostly interested in the guitar and drums. Electric and acoustic,  both are good. I can sing and write. So that's fun." Frank looks down and back up at Mr. Collins.

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