Turning Tables

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"So, are you seeing Frank today?" Mikey asks while shoving pancakes down his throat. He's at the other end of the table and I'm tracing the 'M&G' with my finger.

"Uhm, no, I won't see him until Monday." I amswer  him.

"Oh, that sucks, why?" He seems to be pretending to be sad for me but I think he's happy about it.

"He has work all weekend."

"Oh I see, okay, well, do you have any crazy senior plans this weekend?" Ha, Mikey look who you're talking to.

"No, no plans." I say and he gasps.

"Isn't there some unwritten law that when a senior, you have to go completely nuts and break laws and stuff?" He is looking at me as if he is being serious but I know he's 99% sarcastic.

I honestly believe that I've had enough 'nuts' to last me a lifetime. But I can't tell him that.

"Well, I'm not really the law-breaking type. Anyways, I wanted to spend the weekend with you if you don't have any crazy junior plans." Once I say this I see his face instantly light up. I miss that face.

"Well, I mean I'll have to cancel some of the vandalism plans I have, but yeah, that sounds fun."  He tries to act all cool. I laugh at him and he chuckles.

"Well what do you want to do?" I ask him.

"We could watch Angel, I have the box set in my room." He says and I freeze.



N O P E.

I clentch my fists and close my eyes.

It's just a show.

Yeah it is, but the word "Angel" is literally the last thing I want to hear right now.

I open my eyes and look to Mikey who looks to be a little confused as to why I'm acting strangely. 

"I have a better idea... Disney movie marathon." We used to do it a lot, but the last time was about a year ago.

His face lights up again and he hits the table with his hand. The sudden noise makes me flintch but I just pay my attention back to Mikey. .

"Hell yes! Haven't cried over the Lion King in like a year." He gets up and starts walking to his room. I sigh in relief and follow him. I enter his room to see it very neat and put together. Which isn't really Mikey's thing.

He takes notice to my expression, "I know right, I don't remember cleaning it but... whatever, that means I just get to make it messy again." He shrugs and walks towards his TV.


I feel my heart start beating faster, I'm so worried that he'll end up asking a bunch of questions I can't answer.

Chill, it's fine. He's shrugging it off.

I sit down on his bed and try my best not to look worried and freaked out.

I should start up a conversation.

"So, how are you feeling?" Don't ask him that.

He puts in 'The Lion King' and sits down next to me on his bed.

"I'm feeling great actually, like I can breathe easier than I could yesterday." He says looking at me.

Oh my heart.

This harder than I thought it would be.

But good, he's good.

I just want to hug him for a million years but I don't want to act all suspicious. 

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